'No kissing in the middle of my Maths lesson!' - Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

'Sorry sir,' I apologised, absolutely mortified. 'But technically we're not in the lesson yet, just standing in the corridor.' I didn't even know why I was bothering to argue with him.

'Jessica, please do not attempt to undermine my authority on a technicality. If you want me to split you and young Daniel up then please, continue down this road of talking back. If not, however, then please can you at least try to keep your mouth shut?' I was unsure if he meant for me to keep my mouth from kissing or from talking, but I decided that the safest bet was just to nod to his request and quietly scuttle into the classroom.

As I laid out my books onto the desk I felt Danny's hand on my thigh. Not in an overly sexual way, just in a nice affectionate way. He was just letting me know that he was there, and that he was happy to be sitting next to me. It was nice.

As soon as Mr Wilding stopped talking and left the class to get on with our work I turned to Danny. 'So,' I started.

'What is it that you wanted to talk about?' He asked.

'I told Rachel about what happened with us, last year.' Danny's eyebrows were immediately raised, his mouth dropped open slightly.

'You told her? Are we talking about it now? I thought we agreed that we were never going to mention it again?'

'Yeah but it's different now. If you and I are actually doing this thing for real then I think we shouldn't completely ignore the fact that we've been together, you know,' I scrunched up my face, 'intimately, before. And I was getting stressed about Amy and stuff last night so I had to tell Rachel, sorry I just had to. I'm sorry I didn't ask you first or anything.'

'No, honestly it's fine,' I breathed a sigh of relief, for a second there I thought he was going to be really pissed. 'It's good actually. If I'm honesty I wish we'd spoken about what happened before, I mean we literally never had. You've never wanted to.'

'Yeah I know, and I think that's my bad. But Rachel was basically explaining to me that we don't have to feel so bad about it anymore, it shouldn't get in the way of us. I really like you and I don't want this to be messed up just because when we met you happened to be going out with my best friend.'

'I agree, this is a new relationship, we can't mess it up because we have a bit of a history. We need to stop ignoring it, and embrace it. I'm glad that we have that history, without it we wouldn't be able to be in the place that we are in now.'

'Yeah exactly! So where exactly is the place that we're in now? I know that I like you,' I paused, 'a lot. A real lot.'

'I like you a real lot too.' He grinned. 'Well obviously I'm not going to be pursuing anyone else, I'm 100% committed to you.'

'I'm 100% committed to you too.' I agreed. 'So I guess you would call me – ' I stopped, finding it almost too awkward to say the word out loud. It was such a cliché, and what if he was taken aback by it. The word has serious connotations. I panicked. 'So I guess you would maybe call me – '

'My girlfriend?' He smiled at me. 'I would definitely call you that. I would absolutely love nothing more than to be your boyfriend.'

I breathed a massive sigh of relief, absolutely thrilled that I'd managed to survive the awkward situation in one piece.

'I really want to kiss you again,' Danny admitted. 'But somehow with Mr Wilding standing just over there I feel like I'm going to have to settle with a hand hold.' I laughed.

'A hand hold it is.'

'Oh I forgot to ask you, have you decided whether you're going to audition for the winter fair? You know I'm completely behind you, you were absolutely incredible yesterday.'

'I haven't really had a time to think about it yet my mind was pretty – preoccupied. But yeah I think I will, it should be fun actually. Providing I definitely get through!'

'You will babe, don't worry.' My heart skipped a beat. That was the first time Danny had called me babe properly, not in a jokey way. He said it so nonchalantly, I guess having no idea how incredible it sounded coming out of his mouth. I was his babe. He was my babe.

Suddenly I couldn't contain myself. By way of thank you for having confidence in me I moved my head up to meet Danny's. My eyes closed. Just before our lips could meet, however, we were interrupted once again. 'Do I need to make myself any clearer?' Mr Wilding boomed. 'No kissing in the middle of my Maths lesson, that's going to put everyone off of their simultaneous equations. Disgusting.'

'Sorry sir,' me and Danny apologised at the same time, laughing as we did so.

// / / / / / / 

Hiya guys, sorry it's another short one but I'd been super busy this week. The next one should be better hopefully. It's going to be another chapter from Danny's perspective and it will hopefully bring us right up to the winter fair aka the finale of the book! So all very exciting stuff!!

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LOVE YOU ALL <3 <3 <3

~LunaCresta x x x

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