Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Nathan tosses and turns in bed, having a bad dream, screaming in fear. He's standing outside, unaware of his location. He hears a television in a nearby cafe and approaches.

"I've invited Virginia Waters to discuss the disappearance of Los Angeles. Many countries have joined our investigative team. There haven't been any reports or leaks. Have you heard of any and does that surprise you?"

"No, and it doesn't surprise me. I think they're as baffled as the rest of us. The disappearance of Los Angeles is mystifying. There's no documentation in history, of similar tragedies."

"One of the theories regards government involvement. Do you believe that's possible?"

"No, I agree with the president for two reasons. Number one—I don't believe the U.S. would destroy a city packed with citizens to test weapons. But for the sake of an argument; they'd never destroy Los Angeles. It was a dynamic city, top in world trade, the entertainment business, and tourism. No government would intentionally exterminate a city that powerful."

"It brought in a lot of money that's for sure. What about terrorists?"

"It's highly unlikely; we'd spot them in our air space and they couldn't get through airport security."

"What about a combination of natural disasters?"

"That's possible except natural disasters leave evidence. Southern California is known as earthquake country and is also prone to tsunamis and landslides. Everyone that lives here is accustomed to the earth's shifts and fractures. Landslides and earthquakes can also trigger tsunamis, fires, and flooding. Each one of these disasters causes devastating destruction."

"And can you tell our viewers what a tsunami is?"

"Sure. A series of deadly waves; triggered by undersea earthquakes, Landslides or volcanic activity. Winds traveling up to 600 miles per hour generate the giant waves."

"Wow, that's as fast as a jet plane."

"Yes, it is. They can rip through an entire ocean in no time."

"What should you do when there's an alert?"

"Leave low coastal areas and head for high grounds immediately. The problem arrives when the tsunami is nearby. By the time they are registered and reported, it's too late."

"They say animals rarely die during a tsunami. Is that true?"

"They seem capable of sensing it beforehand. History has repeatedly documented hippopotamuses, flamingos, and other animals fleeing to high grounds."

"Wow. Guess we should follow the animals." He chuckles. "Was it a tsunami?"

"The Pacific Tsunami Warning System monitors California. Nothing registered, so I suspect something wiped out communication in Los Angeles, and then it's probable that several disasters occurred. We don't know, and we may never know."

"And the last theory--- Is the beginning of the end. Any thoughts on that?"

She laughs, "Well, nobody knows that one either."

"Thanks, Virginia. Dan Harvey, CKS news.

Nathan jolts out of bed. It was just a dream. He pauses, or was it.... OMG, Los Angeles is going to be destroyed!

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