♥Chapter: 22♥

Start from the beginning

"Camille girl, have you ever thought that maybe the Xavier she's dating ain't the guy that you used to be dating. Maybe it can be somebody else."

"NO JAYDA!! After all those damn questions I asked that heffa , it had to be my Xavier. My Xavier Johnson."

"Well how about if there's another Xavier on the football team Camille? You never know, there's a lot of them here!"

"Jayda, don't try to play a damn fool! And I highly doubt it! I never heard of any other football player here named Xavier, except for mine."

"Aww Camille, everything gon be alright girl. Stop crying." Jayda said tryin to give me a hug but I pushed her back. I was in no mood to hug her.

If anybody, I was in the mood to hug Xavier but I knew that won't come true.

"I WANT XAVIER!!!!" I said crying aloud on Jayda's shoulder.

"Aww man... girl you're losing it. Calm down, calm down! Sssh sshh! Why don't I take you shopping. How's that sound?"

"X-X-Xavier used-used-used to-to take m-m-me shop-shop-shopping!!" I said crying again.

It was unbelievable the hurt I have for Xavier pained me in every way.

It was unbelievable how he just wouldn't talk to me anymore. Couldn't he at least share a few seconds of his life with me again!? Couldn't he at least just ask me how I'm doing or anything like that? But no. He didn't. His whole focus was on that new girl Kim. God knows how much I wanna be her right now. Back in Xavier's arms. Him cuddling up with me, kissing me, defending me from Tyrese, acting like a real man and showing me real love. But no, it wasn't me this time... how could he forget about us?

"I don't know what I'm going to do Jayda..." I said wiping my eyes, but it was no use. Tears still fell down my wet cheeks.

Jayda soon sighed. "Camille you must understand that you broke up with him. He didn't break up with YOU! You must also understand that if he didn't break up with you, he has every right to just move on. I told you. Guys are different from us girls. They usually don't show emotions so sensitive like us... shoot, who knows? Maybe deep down inside, he still got feelings for you. But all I'm tryna to say girl is that in order to get your true love back, you gotta tell him the truth. The real gritty truth. Not a little bit, not somewhat, I mean the whole damn thang. You gotta tell him what that fuckin guy Tyrese made you do. He's the one who made you break up with Xavier Camille! GET A CLUE. It ain't totally your fault, it definitely ain't my fault, it's not Xavier's fault, but the only culprit whose fault it is, is Tyrese! Okay? Listen I don't know why you won't tell the authorities or even ME to handle that nigga but whuteva... Girl, since Tyrese isn't botherin you anymore, you might just tell Xavier what you've done and maybe their could be chance that he will forgive you and wanna be back with you cause he realizes you still love him very much. And maybe he'll find a way to get Tyrese back without putting anybodies lives in jeopardy."

I soon took in what Jayda said and I knew she was right. She was fully right.

I had to at least try and tell Xavier what Tyrese did to me. But I'm afraid.

What if Xavier could care less?

What if Xavier doesn't figure out a way to put revenge back on Tyrese and than Tyrese hurts us all?

What if he wouldn't even bother to talk to me?

I could come up with a thousand what ifs and all of them made me nervous.

How the hell was I going to do this?

"I'm not sure Jayda... I don't know if I can do this."

"Well are you ever going to do it?"

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