Amethyst... Amethyst is... Quite quiet. She doesn't talk much, but she laughs along with us at the random jokes Alice comes up with or finds on the internet. Somehow, I keep managing to notice that something seems odd about her. Her smile never seemed real, it seemed like it was false. I have been meaning to ask her about it, but I keep forgetting to since I have to deal with a lot of things and often get sidetracked with chores when I think about asking her. We never talk about wolf things or our childhoods to each other, because she just goes quiet.

Ashley is my fiery redhead friend. Like me, she loves swearing and cussing her ass off. It doesn't get us in too much trouble, just enough that we get a few warnings and then a detention for it. We bonded immediately after meeting, and it's like we are long lost twin personality sisters who were separated at birth. Like me, she just loves to insult the most annoying people our year- especially the slut known as Jessica. And entering the school grounds and the doors like a tired, overworked queen, I came face to face with one stupid bitch.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is."

Speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear.

Oh, Moon Goddess, I hate you. Why, why on this earth did you have to make a total bitchy werewolf? Couldn't you have done it on another planet? One that actually is known for the ugly, bitchy alien wolves who obviously have no brains at all? Oh, right, that's supposed to be this planet apparently.

It's way too early for me to be evil to more than one bitch.

"Hello, bitch." I looked behind her to see a random boy trailing after her with lust in his eyes and sporting a clear erection. Human. "I see you've got yourself another fucktoy. Human, too. It would be a shame if someone chopped his dick off like Derek-"

Mentioning Derek gave me an instant slap in the face, her manicured nails scratching my cheek, sending me into the floor. That impact would leave a few bruises soon enough. Not very pretty ones either. Ouch. But it's not like I didn't know what bruises felt like from before. 😂😂😂

"Don't talk about Derek to me, you wench."

"Wow, insulting me with your own title. How stupid are you, really? Don't lie to me either, we all know you sleep with the teachers so you can get your perfect grades and Daddy won't spank your ass like the bad girl you are, naughty." I added a flirty wink for effect.

Another slap.

In the meantime, while I block her out and she keeps emptily (also rather pathetically) threatening me, allow me to explain about this good for nothing evil cow:

Jessica thinks she can get anyone within the snap of her fingers. I will say this now, werewolves tend to have this charm. Sometimes their wolves can show up, meaning the eyes of the human can glow or some shit like that. That can lure humans in and make them basically do whatever the wolf wants them to. Most wolves that are horny shits use it in order to make humans shag them- Jessica dearest is one of them. There are some wolves that will actually use those powers to help their mates if they are human, it helps them accept the bond easier. She's a huge slut, she only cares about herself. After all, why should she care for lowlife "scum" like me? Believe it or not, she actually used to be a nice person. Well, that was before the accident.

Her longtime boyfriend Derek and she were in a car accident. She doesn't know what happened to him, he was taken away by whoever crashed into them. Now, she just uses boys as a distraction- apparently she even loved Derek at one point. She thought they were destined, that they were mates. Obviously, she hasn't actually been able to find out if they were mates. He's been missing for two years. He could possibly be dead, we don't know for sure. He could've met his mate after he recovered from the crash. No one knows for sure.

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