The Path of No Return

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The Path of No Return

She walks a path of no return,

never looking back,

but never truly moving forward.

She keeps her head down

she never looks them straight in the eyes.

If there was someone to walk the path of no return with her-

She could move on- she could let go!

She thinks she doesn’t belong in this world.

nor any other,

she feels the loneliness spread through her,

like poison .

If there was someone to walk the path of no return with her-

She could move on- she could let go!

Running as hard as she can

can't help her anymore

She knows the truth

She knows!

There's got to be somewhere out there for her,

there's somewhere out there

Waiting for her,

when she finds it,

she'll know,

She'll know!

And she will shine.

Yes, she will shine with her new found knowledge of her new found place and her new found acceptance.

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