II - Her, Fear. His, Dream

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- Flashback -

"Elain? Elain?! Elain!!" I screamed for her but no use. Instead, the piercing scream became louder and louder by every minute. Her body then trembled down, shaking with fear yet still screaming. Then, something horrible happened. Her body slowly showed red slash marks as if there're from a knife, which possibly were. Then, her screams became wails as burn marks start to show up. My eye widened. I tried to help but the faster I ran, the further I felt. It was like the world was turning down on us. Like we deserved the torment without any interference. As my body was pulled I began screaming for her, tears burst out, calling for help. Something I've hadn't done in a long time ago. Still, no use. With all my might, I screamed.


I jotted up from my slumber. Trembling, I tried to calm down. Though, my body sweating made it worse. My back was wet, soaked with sweat. Tears came down rolling, to my sheets. I looked at the side of my bed. The empty pillow really felt empty in the inside. It was just a dream. Sh .. she's permanently gone for good. Tears stream faster, making my sheets wetter. But what do I care about that? All I cared now is that .. the fact she .. isn't returning to me anymore. Thinking about that made me feel alone. Loneliness filled my cold heart. I .. am now alone, Why does all of my loved ones have to go so fast? First my parents .. then my aunt .. and now HER. I said HER because I still couldn't say her name since her death. Sebastian then came in, strolling a cart filled with my breakfast.

"An early bird, master? A nightmare, sir?" His voice filled with worry. I shut my eyes close, avoiding his eye contact. Now's not the good time. He then handed me tea, which I presume Earl Grey.

"No, nothing Sebastian." I said earning a hesitant nod from him. I don't know if he knows about it but even if he does, it doesn't matter. I continuously sipped on the tea. Silence just filled the room as he continued to dress me up. As he excused himself, continuing on his other tasks, I started walking up to my study. Finally I'm here. I sighed. All of this happening right now is to much. Even my brain is still processing on the information. I closed my eyes shut. The wanting to cry was yelling inside of me. But I once again, held my guard up. But that wasn't long before a knock on the door was heard. I sighed again before raising my gaze to the door. Who would disturb me at this time?

"Come in." I mumbled loud enough for the other side to hear. Soon, the door opened to see a girl with black long straight locks, dazzling light blue metallic orbs and a beautiful smile crept on her face that I knew too well. My eyes widened as to whom it was.

"E-Elain?!" I shouted a bit, not wanting to trust what was I seeing. Her magnificent smile graced at me once more, melting me. She quickly closed the door shut, locking it before nodding her head repeatedly.

"Hello, Ciel dear."

A thousand questions ran cross through my mind. After making sure the door was firmly locked, she looked at me with teary eyes. Without long, she ran to me, engulfing me into a hug. I at first hesitantly, but then slowly regaining my composure hugged her back. Yup, it's her. This is her without a doubt.

After she and I sat down and calmed ourselves a bit, I suddenly thought of a question, and a VERY important one I would say. I turned my head to her as she comforted herself a book. Realizing my long staring at her, she shot me a why-are-you-staring-me-so-long look. I sighed.

"Elain, sweetheart. I need to ask you something." My tone full of curiosity. I NEE- No, MUST know how she got here, not that I don't love her being back with me (which I enjoyed ) it's just .. I needed to get this weird, strange feeling out of my chest. She nodded slowly, awaiting my question.

Thank You, Darling. ( Ciel X Reader/OC ) [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now