Liz and Emma?

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Chapter 13:

There was a crash in the living room. Julius/Osiris appeared. Behind him were-

"Liz! Emma!" Sadie screeched, running and flinging her arms around them, knocking Carter over in the process. I saw Alyssa stifled a laugh.

"SADIE!" I thought the three were going to blow up, they hugged so tight.
Finally Sadie pulled away. "I missed you guys!" she said, and believe it or not, I saw a few tears escape her bright sapphire blue eyes.

"We know,'' Liz and Emma said in unison. Sadie laughed. "Why, Sadie Ruby Kane-" began Liz. "Are." "You." "Crying?" Liz and Emma finished together.

Sadie turned away. I saw her wipe her eyes. She turned back. "No." Liz and Emma rolled their eyes.

"So, how are you?" Sadie asked. "Good, how are you?" they asked. "Great, now that you're here!" Sadie answered, smiling.

Liz and Emma laughed. ''Thanks,'' Emma said.
"Guess what?" Liz asked Sadie. "What?" ''We're going to BAG!" ''No way! Really?" ''YES!" ''OH MY ZEUS! GODS OF ETERNAL EGYPT-" she stopped, glaring at our looks.

"What? I can say that if I want to- oh, ugh. I've been hanging around Zia too much. WAY to much.''

Zia looked offended. ''What?" ''Oh...never mind,'' Sadie said quickly. Carter laughed. ''She meant you-" "Shut up!" Sadie interrupted. ''Zia, don't listen to him.''

Zia laughed. ''Whatever,'' she said.

Sadie turned back to Liz and Emma. "You guys have to get a tour of Brookyln!" she said, smiling.

"First I gotta see your room!" Emma said. Liz rolled her eyes. "Hey!" Emma protested. "I gotta see what she's been doing and if-" "Oh, shut up," Liz and Sadie said together, smirking.

"Fine. But I need to see your room."
I glanced at Sadie, who shrugged, smiling.

"Come on, then," Sadie said, leading them up the stairs to her room. I shook my head before following them.

Sadie Pov:
I lead Liz and Emma up to my room. As soon as we entered, they gasped.

My walls were decorated-no, filled, is a better word-with posters-One Direction, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Taylor Lautner, Adele, and Ross Lynch. Oh, and much more. Including Hunter Hayes and Austin Mahone.

I had a desk in the corner of my room, in front of a window.
The desk was eternally messy, I'm not completely proud to say. And yet, I am. (look at Carter's desk-it's perfect! My messy desk is a sign that shows how different we are!)

It had three diaries on it, several papers all strewn about, Pencils, pens, and a pencil sharpener. A water bottle eat there.
My bed is a heap of blankets, my two pillows, and some things stuck somewhere in my blankets.

I have a black rug on the floor by my bed, and a purple and white rug under my desk.

My dresser is a lot like my desk, except worse. It has a four square cube box on it.

I also have several books spread on the floor. Along with cloths.

Anyway. Liz gasped, coughing. "Wow. You really need to clea-uh, straighten up in here..." "This is a mess!" Emma exclaimed. Liz nudged her the in the ribs.

I laughed. "It's okay Liz. It is a mess." "SHE ADMITTED IT!" Carter yelled, bursting in my room with his phone. Amos had bought him one because he was complaining I had one. Well, not my fault Gramps bought me one!

Anyway I looked annoyedly (yeah, I made up a word. So?) at Carter. ''Tace et abibunt.'' *!

Confusion spread across his face. ''What?" He asked. I laughed. ''Just shut up and go away!"

Anubis pov:

As Sadie and her friends walked in her room and shut the door, I dropped down and peered through the keyhole. I don't know why I was doing this- no clue. Zero. Zilch. Nada. None.

Oh well.

I watched Liz and Emma surveying Sadie's room. When Emma burst out Sadie really needed to clean in there I almost DIED laughing. Seriously. I heard breathing, heavy breathing, and turned to see Carter.

''Dude, why are you panting?" It was funny. '''' I shook my head, laughing.

Okay, sorry, bad place to end, I know. But this is only part one. I gotta get this published...anyway, answers! Yay. So..

Slashing, thanks!:) Guest, I'm sorry. REALLY sorry!):

Rachel, thanks!:) AC, thanks and LOL.

Sanubis Lover, HAHA, thanks. Wow, you love this story THAT much?! You're definitely one of my most quicker reviewers.

Don't worry, I love your ramblings!:) What does OMA mean? I mean, I will NEVER ship Fadie but yeah...*shrugs*...I guess it could be cute.

And I looked up OF and I LOVED it!

And this SO gave me 'WARM, FUZZY FEELINGS!'! Although for your review on chapter eight, I just burst out laughing. MY grammar mistakes!? I'm sorry, I'm just laughing. And you CAN use that many characters! I've done it!:):):):)

And Hey, thanks. I know, I apologize for the Romeo and Juliet moments, but they're cute!:) Any tips?

Well, I think that's all, so, Byeeeeee! ! MISS YOU ALL, UNTIL THE NEXT UPDATE,

~ Linds.

Oh, hey, does anyone have a Storybird account?

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