Untitled Part 8

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Chapter Nine! Sadie pov. I hope you like it. So far this and the next , ten, are my favorites!

Sorry for the wait!

Chapter Nine:

Sadie Pov:

I woke up to a blinding sunlight. I blinked several times and yanked the blankets over my head. Suddenly, my alarm clock went off. I hit it, sending it dropping to the floor. Only to remember that it was my phone I had set my alarm to. I sat up immediately and hit my head...Immediately.

Surprised, I looked up. There was a long, small, wooden board hanging there, somehow. I stood up on my bed, and tried to pull the board down, noticing as I tried that my bedroom door was open slightly. I pulled harder, mad, trying to think why my door was open. Suddenly, I saw a bucket of water (more like a barrel) start to tip over from my ceiling. (I hadn't looked up that far.)

Too late, I tried to move. The water spilled all over a very mad me, and the board fell on my foot as I slipped. Off my bed. I screamed. Not loud enough. I would've hit the floor hard and gotten injured, but...

I felt strong arms wrap around me, suddenly. I was in someones arms. I looked up.

(brief third person)

Anubis smiled down at her. She laughed, relieved. "Felix." She muttered. "Are you okay?" Anubis asked, looking slightly worried. (okay, a lot worried). Sadie nodded.

"I'm good, but you can put me down now, ya'know. I must be heavy."

Anubis smiled. I don't think so." He whispered. He leaned over and kissed her.

(back to Sadie's Pov)

I felt a spark fly and I felt really happy as he kissed me. (sorry about the word felt twice in one sentence.) My hands moved up to his neck. Neither of us noticed my Dad standing in the doorway. I just felt so...Light, when he was around me. But I also worried about things, like, my hair, clothes, breath, and hair streak and whether I had changed it and if he'd like it.

Someone coughed awkwardly. We split apart and looked around. Dad blushed furiously. Anubis and I glanced at each other slowly.

"Um..." I started. Dad was trying to breath normally, clearly mad. "What is this?" he asked, glaring at Anubis, who looked down. I sighed, slipping out of his arms. He reluctantly let me go.

"I believe this is your daughter, Sadie Kane, and Anubis, god of the dead." I said, trying to be funny. But I was also serious. This wasn't Anubis' fault, so why was he glaring at him? I knew what my Dad meant, but...

Julius' eyes flashed angrily. "I know that, Sadie." He said, through gritted teeth. "But what were you two doing?"

"I believe I was kissing Anubis- Obviously, do you not have eyes?- and particularly enjoying it. Anubis, however-" I stole a glance at him. "Well, I can't speak for him. But that's what I was doing, anyway." I finished.

My dad glared at me. "That. Was. Not. What. I meant." He took a breath. "Stay away from her!" He barked at Anubis. He flinched.

Not bothering to wait to see if Anubis really would, Dad turned to leave. Halfway through, he stopped. Turning slightly, he said, "I mean that, Sadie, you go near him and you'll be in BIG trouble. Anubis... we'll talk later."

"First Carter and now- I cold deal with Carter, but your Dad?" Anubis sighed. "I can't..."

I looked at him, feeling sick. "Anubis, you're not leaving me!" I cried, looking at him with alarm. Anubis looked at me, surprised. "No! Sadie, I am never leaving you! I swear!" He said.

(Anubis' Thoughts: How could she think I'd ever leave her?)

I smiled, slightly relieved. He leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips quick. "I love you." He said. "We need to figure out how to fix this mess. Because I refuse to obey him and leave you. I'd give up everything for you."

I blushed.

"I say we go downstairs- No, stay up here so Dad doesn't kill us." Anubis smiled. "Sure." He said, scooping me up and falling down onto my bed. I snuggled into him, smiling.

We both sighed at the same time, contentedly. "I could fall asleep right here." I said. "I didn't fall asleep until two in the morning. I, uh..Was also too busy thinking...About..you.'' I blushed. Anunis smiled.

''Then why don't you?" He suggested. ''I won't let your daddy hurt you.'' He teased, trying not to smile or laugh nodded. ''Okay, then. I will.'

I slowly fell asleep, my head resting on my sweet, awesome boyfriend-or boy god- chest, hos as around me.

''I love you, Sadie. I really do.'' We're the last seven words I heard before I was asleep. I love him too.

( I would have told him that, but,ya know, I was asleep, so...)

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