Bodyguard (1D Fan Fiction)

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Bodyguard (1D Fan Fiction)




Well this is different, I thought to myself, as I stared at the 5 boys now standing in front of me.The grins were long gone from their faces, and a new dumb-founded expression was now playing across their features.

"You never told them I was gonna be a girl, did you ?" I narrowed my eyes at Simon, while nudging Val, who was clearly trying not to laugh at the boys expressions.


I'm Rickie. Just turned 18, finished my exams, got an awesome new motorcycle, and I'm currently heading over to England to study law and psychology at Oxford University, and finally start training in the London police department with my overprotective, idiot of a twin brother (Who I love to bits, but he doesn't need to know that) Everything had been prearranged and was supposed to be a simple matter of settling in our newly bought apartment, focusing on my education whilst attending training, and overall, carrying on in a NORMAL manner. What really happened couldn't have been further from the truth.

Being hired as a personal bodyguard for a world famous boy band who I was supposed to be protecting from a series of seemingly unconnected "Accidents", whilst refraining my own brother from seriously harming any of them because of the fact they keep hitting on me - wasn't really on my agenda when I thought about the things that I would be doing when I got here.

Did I mention I was also currently living with them ?

Or that one of them has a burning desire to smother me in possessiveness ?

No ?

Make that all of them.

One Direction Fan Fictions Part 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang