My Life as a One Direction Girlfriend

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My Life as a One Direction Girlfriend




You know how you hear about how lucky the girls are who get to date a member of the famous boy band, one direction

Well from what the public see, they're living the dream. Going on their tours, travelling the world, meeting new people, and dating one of the most beloved boys in the world. But really it isn't as amazing as it seems. They get threatened and bullied on a daily basis thanks to their boyfriends 'faithful' fans and it isn't always the easiest to handle. I mean I don't think anyone would like to be told their ugly or that they should go and kill themselves. Those girls don't deserve the hate they get, yet they continue to receive it. It might seem bad when you hear about it, but try to actually be in that position is totally different. I, Paige Adams, am the girlfriend of one of the boys and after he had announced that we were officially dating, my life has definitely gotten a lot crazier.

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