1 - The Meeting

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Authors Note:

All content within is a work of fiction and my crazy imagination. Under no circumstance that this story is meant to portray any real life person or situation, past or present, living or otherwise. If any person should have a said name, it is purely coincidence.


"What the hell?" was all I could mutter under my breath when I saw the line of cars on the way.

But, in my mind I have already murdered the cab driver in twenty different ways in sixty seconds for taking this route other than the route I told him to take.

As I looked at my 5 year-old wristwatch, it clearly stated that I only have fifteen minutes left to be in the Hotel for the very important meeting with the CEO who was known to be very impatient and strict.

I mentally calculated the time I needed, if I walk or should I say run now, I will be there for approximately twenty minutes to top.

There's still a five minute interval but do I have any choice than get stuck here and be fired later? None.

I took my shoulder bag and folders with me and paid the cab driver the amount he needed. After that, I rushed out of the way.

It was damn hard running with heels on so I had to run with bare feet while holding my shoes. And as I dashed, I kept on bumping to different people and had to apologize for the nth time.

When I got into the company, I hurriedly found my way to the elevators. It was about to close when I screamed, "Wait! Please, wait!"

The man inside was courteous enough to press the open button for me. I held the elevator doors and that's when I immediately discerned that the man had a completely authoritative aura.

The first thing I noticed in him was his mesmerizing pair of crystal blue eyes. Not that I didn't see one before though.

It was followed by the aristocratic face he has that certainly blew my breath away.

Lastly, his stern composure.

I didn't have the time to be even gaping at him, it's just he was really stunning. He must be a manager from different department because I don't really recognize him.

And since, it is the company's policy to never ride on the same elevator with your boss or anyone who's position is higher than you. I had to step back.

"Oh. I'm sorry for what I did, sir. I shouldn't have stopped you." I said as I bowed my head down.

The man raised a brow as he scanned me from head to toe. I felt like he was scrutinizing me but he then answered, "Get in." on a very firm tone.

I shook my head politely on his offer. "I'm sorry, sir. It's my first job and I don't want to lose it. It's the company's policy." I honestly replied.

He suddenly smiled at me, revealing his perfectly white teeth. "You won't. I'm not from here. And you must be in a hurry so get in."

I instantly beamed when I heard those words and immediately got inside. "What floor?" he asked as the elevators door closed.

"20th." I told him and he pressed it for me. "I'm really sorry for stopping you earlier, sir. It's just I badly need to get in this meeting. Thank you so much. I really owe you this one."

I could only pray that no one sees me riding the elevator with this gorgeous man.

He let out a chuckle as he asked, "Got stuck in the traffic?"

"Yes." I replied as I nodded. "Wasn't born lucky with a silver spoon in my mouth so owning a car is obviously unreachable and I had to run with bare foot because of it."

"I can see that." he said as he looked down on my feet.

And that's when I realized that I was still not wearing my heels. I mentally cursed and rolled my eyes as I wore them again. I turned to the man again and shamelessly asked, "Excuse me, sir. But, is my hair that bad as well?"

The man smirked as he replied, "Yes, signorina. And you some black dust in your cheeks too."

I heaved out a sigh. If my boss see me in this state he would definitely rage and I will be embarrassing myself in front of the said CEO.

I was about to put down the folders on the floor when the man suddenly, gave out his handkerchief on and gently cleaned my face. It clearly caught me off guard.

"Sir," I called out for I was really surprised on what he is doing right now.

"You have a very important meeting, signorina. You simply can't go in there looking like that." he replied stating the obvious that made me cringe.

And once he was done with my face, he fixed my hair for me 'til it was neat and presentable again.

"There, all done." he said and beamed at me as he kept back his handkerchief on his pocket.

I was about to ask him for his name when we heard the elevator ting-ed and opened its doors.

I then remembered how I was going to get fired in a few minutes so I turned to the man again and bowed my head.

"I'm really thankful for your kindness, sir. But, I have to go. I'm going to get fired in a few minutes so I cannot say that, I will be seeing you again soon." and I ran away.

I was panting as I got to the conference room. My father- I mean, my boss who is the general manager of this company scowled at me when he saw me approaching. I already prepared myself with his words so, here goes nothing.

"You ungrateful child." he gritted that only I can hear him. Though I told myself that I was prepared, hearing those words coming from my own father, I could still feel the pang of hurt inside my chest.

"How many times did I remind you not to be late today? I told you to not mess this up!" he shouted making the others turn their heads.

"I'm truly sorry, sir." was all I could mutter 'cause trying to reason out won't do me good.

"Your apologies won't bring you anywhere, Allene. Stop proving to us how unprofessional you are." a woman butted in. It was no other than, Sabrina, my step-sister and the manager of marketing department.

As much as I want to punch her in the face, I refrained myself from doing so. I just looked away and turned back to my father. He was about to lecture me again when a man entered the conference room. And I was dumbfounded when I realized that, it was the man I rode the elevator with earlier.

Everyone went silent and my father cleared his throat. He sauntered towards the man and they shook hands.

"Mr. Armani." my father greeted.

"Mr. Woods." the man acknowledged. "I do apologize for being late I had an urgent meeting with my father earlier. Shall we start?"

"Of course." my father agreed and he turned towards us, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mr. Callum Armani, the newly appointed CEO of Armani International Hotels."

My jaw dropped from shock.

Everyone stood up from their seats and clapped their hands to welcome the man. While I was too shocked to even think straight from what my father just stated.

The new CEO gave out a simple smile and it was enough to capture every woman's heart. Including a little bit of mine.

Sabrina was about to speak when all of a sudden the new CEO met my gaze and beamed at me. I was even more shocked when he suddenly spoke while looking at me.

"Oh, signorina. Are you fired yet?"

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