Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I appeared outside the palace gates just minutes before Arikos did.

"Wow," Arikos said as he appeared moments later, a frown furrowing his brows and now that I thought about it, when he looked like that, he looked eerily similar to Hannibal and Lea, "You look like someone pissed in your corn flakes." I scowled, confused for a moment until I realized what he meant and I sighed, averting my eyes and raking a hand through my hair.

"Shitty meeting," I replied. Arikos's features softened and he almost looked sympathetic, but that couldn't be possible. It didn't last, what that expression was, though. He quickly brightened, smiling at me and reaching out to take my hand. I almost lashed out, for the sole fact that I really was still pissed over everything from the meeting. I'd just been told I was a weapon of evil incarnate and Arikos was the one Hannibal needed to help him fight the war... But none of this was Arikos's fault and I knew that, and that single thought made me relax for some reason as I let him take my hand.

"I have just the thing to cheer you up. I found a really neat grille and bar down on the corner of Mercury and Carnation that looks like your kinda place," he said. I distinctly remembered telling him he could choose any place he wanted, yet for some reason, he'd chosen a place that would make me comfortable? He'd done well with the last place, though, so I trusted his judgement.

For some fucking weird reason...

I followed Arikos, frowning as he led the way there by foot.

"We can just teleport if you want to get there faster," I said. Arikos shook his head, then linked his arm with mine and I tensed for a moment before relaxing.

"No, I like walking, even if it is cold. I want to talk to you more," he replied. I frowned at that.

"Why?" I asked. Arikos sighed.

"There you go again asking why. Is it really so hard to believe that someone just wants to get to know you because they like you?"

"Yes, actually," I said flatly. Arikos frowned, studying me for a moment like he was trying to make sure I was telling the truth or not. I wouldn't lie about it and I didn't get why he'd think that. He obviously hadn't been paying attention to the reactions of others whenever I was around. The only people who greeted me with some semblance of respect were Shukura and Amenti, and that was only because I helped them. No one was nice right off the bat.

"Well," Arikos said, dragging the word out and making me raise an eyebrow as I waited with bitter amusement for his response, "Believe it, then. Because I like you and I want to know more about you. So, tell me something you haven't told anyone before. I'll tell you something if you do the same. Deal?" I scowled. He was still weirding me out. Why did he insist on getting to know me? Liking me was just too easy a response, and too unbelievable. There had to be something else behind why he wanted to get to know me.

"Okay, I'll go first," Arikos mused, tilting his head against my shoulder and I clenched my teeth, trying to get accustomed to the sensation of touching me in a way that didn't end with me getting punched, "Oh, okay. I got one. So remember that rant I gave you about Teslius?" I nodded and Arikos looked uncomfortable for a moment.

"You don't have to tell me," I said when he said nothing for a moment. Arikos shook his head.

"No, but I want to tell you. I trust you."


"Because I just do," Arikos replied, then sighed, "I kind of had this weird crush on Teslius when I was younger. He was the only one who never went after me like the others. There was something about him, but when he turned me down, I was really ticked, and then depressed. Do you know what it's like to have someone just shoot you down like that after all the time you spent fantasizing about them? It really hurts, ya know." I didn't know what to say to that... Because I had no idea what that felt like. The only fantasy I had of Hannibal was never interactive. I was never allowed to touch him, even in my deepest dreams.

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