"You look beautiful" he says making me blush

As I took more steps closer towards him, he was just wearing a nice pair of jeans, t-shirt and nikes "Oh gosh if I knew you were going that casual I'm gonna go change" I say when he takes my hand. Warmth instantly spread from our hands touching, spreading throughout my body and I shivered at the contact

"No you look fine, lets get going" I must say he looked good. Bigger and much better than what he looked like six years ago. Last time I saw him he had a dancers build, now he had a body of a warrior, a pack warrior, a provider and protector.

He opens the passenger side door for me as I take a seat he shuts the door behind me while he walks around to the drivers side.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask as he smiles

"You'll see" He says and drives off. I didnt notice we came to a complete stop when I see my door opening and he was gesturing for me to take my hand "Welcome to my home"

I look up from behind him and see an amazing modern style home. I take his hand as the chill of the air faded to be replaced by his warm touch.

"Why are we - did you cook for me?" Now this was a very intimate side I have not seen from Aiden before. I saw a smile on the side of his face as he opens the door. His home is amazing, I could smell the food cooking or well ready for us to eat and just at the smell was making my mouth water. He showed me the lounge, his office and told me he had four bedrooms upstairs, he had an entertainment room and games room.

He still held my hand not letting it go and I tried so hard not to blush, I was embarrassing myself. I followed him out the back ranch slider doors to the back of the house. He had candles set up in random places, his garden and patio looked like I had just stepped into one of those garden home TV shows. He had citronella torches lit and a warm fire going. I smile, he must have had this ready before he left.

He led me to the table, letting me take my seat. Poured me a glass of water and left to walk back inside the house, to come back with two plates of food.

Once he placed the plate down in front of me, I looked down seeing fettuccine pasta dish with a piece of chicken breast sitting on top

"This looks really good Aiden" I say

"Tell me what you think of it when you try it" he smiles. I could feel his eyes on me as I started cutting into the chicken and taking a bit of the pasta with it, slowly I placed the food into my mouth and a burst of flavour hit my tastbuds

"Oh my god" I moaned causing a smile to form on Aidens lips and a small chuckle "You sure you made this? It's amazing Aiden"

"Thanks" He had a genuine smile on his face that warmed my heart

"I've never seen this side of you Aiden, the loving side is still there but this is very intimate" I gesture to our surroundings

"People grow up Jasmine, you have been away for a long time" I smile nodding my head as we began to chat away. Talking about what life was like travelling the world after I finished studying when I look away and take a glance into the house where we sat right next to the living room, I noticed something on the wall above the TV.

"Here let me take your plate, do you want to go inside for dessert?" He asks as I nod my head tearing my eyes away from the canvas.

We blow out the candles and head inside where it is much warmer. Aiden plates up a chocolate cake and pours away a chocolate sauce from a pan. I could smell how sweet it was and I knew it would be amazing.

I walk into the living room. His kitchen and living space is open plan. I stop and tears nearly come to my eyes when I see the canvas properly.

"You bought this?" I ask. My voice a little croaky as I try to prevent tears from falling. I had an exhibit when I finished my studies. My first show, my tutor said I had a lot of potential that she wanted to showcase my work. She offered to help me get started with my exhibit. My exhibit was called Heartbroken.

Once Heartbroken (Wolf Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now