"Bumblebee was badly hurt and might be in a coma and Ironhide has a hurt paw that needs to be attended to." Lunar explained nodding at the two wolves that instantly started to work on the injured.

Blacklunar turned around and started walking towards the two arguing wolves that didn't notice that she was there. She tackled the two wolves to the ground making them yelp. Lunar's front paws were on their chests keeping them down so that they couldn't get up. 

"What do you think doing?! Arguing is not going to help our problem!" Blacklunar yelled at the two making their ears lower to there ears.

Blacklunar kept growling but stopped when she heard a groan and coughing. She looked the way of the two medics and a waking Bumblebee. Lunar jumped off of the two cowering males and ran to Bumblebee's side.

"How are you feeling Bee?" She asked softly, laying by his side and licking his cleaning him.

Bumblebee slowly looked into her eyes smiling and then snuggling into her chest. Most of the packs attention was now on the two wolves. Blacklunar was surprised at Bumblebee's actions but soon rested her head on top off his. 

"I.....was so......scared........I thought......I.....was...going to........die." Bumblebee breathed weeping into her chest.

"It's ok Bumblebee, your safe with me and I will never let anyone hurt you." Lunar spoke softly making Bumblebee feel better.

"Thank you. Thank you for saving me." Bumblebee thanked wiping his eyes.

"Do you need anything?" She asked getting up looking down at him.

"He does need food so he gets protein." Ratchet explained as he and knockout walked over to the two.

Blacklunar nodded and said, "I will be back."

She ran off in the woods and quickly followed a scent trail of a rabbit. She saw the little ball of fluff a couple feet away. Quickly and swiftly she caught the rabbit in her teeth killing it in the process. Lunar ran back to the waterfall and dropped the rabbit in front of Bumblebee.

"Thanks." He thanked before stuffing his face in the rabbit.

Blacklunar noticed her uncle Ironhide laying a bit away and saw the leaf on his used to be injured paw. She walked over to him and nudged him showing gratitude. Ironhide smiled at this and gave her a lick on the cheek.

"You are brave like your mother and father. They would be proud." Ironhide proclaimed.

"We already are" Two voices said in her head.

Blacklunar smiled then turned her attention back to the pack. She walked through the crowd to higher ground.

"Everyone listen! They are never going to stop attacking! We need to fight back and show them who's boss and who runs this land! We need to stand up for ourselves and bring them back down to where they came from!" Blacklunar yelled confidently, making wolves cheer out.

"From this day on we will be known as the Rebel pack! We never back we only stand for whats right and kick tale!" Blacklunar chanted out, and the dragons roared with confidence.

"Rebels! Rebels! Rebels!" The pack chanted together.

Blacklunar smiled and yelled, "We must travel now and we will be there by the time the moon reaches the middle of the night sky. Now let's go!"

The pack started running into the woods following the scent of shadow dragon and the faint scent of shadow wolf. Blacklunar looked at the three waiting dragons.

"Can you guys carry Ironhide and Bumblebee?" She asked.

They nodded and picked up the two healing wolves. Blacklunar ran like she has never run before. Lunar was able to catch up with the pack and ran her way up to the front. 

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