Zilla frowned and said, "in dragon years, he's only five. Dragons and dragums live for a very long time. It's kinda rare to find a Dragum so young." "

I wonder what he looks like when he's really ten" I muttered.

Zilla seemed really connected with Fruit Snack. Every time I would see her with Fruit Snack she seemed happy. I couldn't bare to see her if he was gone. Zilla would be torn.

"Well we better be going, hurry up and get dressed, Orion" Zilla snapped.

Orion nodded and walked over to his dresser to get ready.

"So Fruit Snack, what else do you like to do besides eating fruit snacks and hiding under beds?" I asked.

He frowned and tapped his chin.

"Fruit Snack likes watching Zilla shoot zombie men and ninjas!"

I frowned and glared Zilla.

"He likes to watch you do what?"

Zilla laughed.

"He means he likes to watch me play video games!"

I sighed in relief that I wouldn't see her carrying some flamethrower around.

"Oh! Fruit Snack likes to move weird sticks on paper too! It make a pretty picture" Fruit Snack added.

I looked at Zilla to translate.

"He likes to color with crayons" she replied.

I nodded in response.

Just as Orion was putting in a shirt he said, "so exacting how do we get to Wills place?"

"With a portal key, of course!" Zilla smiled.

Orion froze.

"A portal what?"

Zilla rolled her eyes and stood up.

"You guys are seriously new to magic. A portal key is a key that you can put in any door that can take you to wherever you want. See." Zilla pulled out an old looking key with a silver design on the top of it. "Ready?"

Orion nodded and walked over to us.

"Come on, Charlie."

Charlie looked up from his drawing and smiled. He stuff his drawing in his side bag and grabbed Thorny.

"I think we've got everything. Come on, Fruit Snack. Time to go" Zilla smiled.

Fruit Snack gripped his blanket and teddy bear then ran to Zilla. She pushed the key into our door lock and turned it.

"I made sure to have Barth let us in on weekends, so we should be able to go through" Charlie smiled.

"Great. He we go" Zilla turned the key and opened the door. Instead of the academy's hallways, we saw the living room to the lair. Will was asleep on the couch without his shirt, wearing grey sweats. His hair was a messy as he snored and rolled over.

"Well, it's not the best first impression, but it will have to do" Zilla said.

We walked into the lair as she closed the door behind us. Thorny jumped off of Charlie's arms and flew to Will, where he landed on his chest and licked his face.

Will smiled and said, "Rose, please. No more kissing. Your going to wear yourself out." He groaned and rolled over again.

"Uh, yeah. He's a little strange" I explained to Zilla. She nodded. Thorny liked Will again.

The Magicians- 1- The Decendent And The Cursed [Finished Draft]Where stories live. Discover now