Chapter 2 The Present..

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Jumping over the fallen trees of the forest while running at full speed with bullets Ricocheting off of the trees sounds like a scene from an action movie right?    
Well...WELCOME to my world.!!

"Alina !!!" My little brother Jason yells beside me just as a bullet skids across my side. "We need to go back to the Oaks!" I look out of the corner of my eye towards him and then to the guys behind us and run faster "yea I know"  "we have to do it ." "Are you crazy we can't don't you remember the last time we did it" I yell a little out of breath "I'd rather be there then here with them" He smirks knowing full well I don't want to take the chance although he's right.

Nodding towards the thicket I grab his hand and look into his eyes as they start to change color to more of a vibrant Gary Streaked blue. I smile at how much he's already grown use to the power. Closing our eyes and thinking about the Oaks as the place we want to go. The tingling sensation starts to grow stronger in my hands when all of a sudden a gust of wind as chilly as ice hits us blowing us to the ground with a thump.
I open my eyes in panic expecting to see men dressed in black with huge guns pointed at us ready to take us back. Instead I find myself looking up at our crystal ceiling still holding on to Jason's hand for dear life.

I turn my head to Jay as he's sighs.
"See...I knew we could do it Kin's" he speaks drowsily "Yeah.. Huh wonder why it worked this time." "Maybe because your afraid of the slime and smell" He snickers "ow! What was that for" he wines "I am not afraid of them.. And besides you weren't the one who stunk for a whole week!!" "Oh yeah I'm personally thankful it didn't happen again. I don't think my poor nose could handle it again. I'd have to disown you as my sister." I get up off the floor smirking "Kin's what are you gonna do?"
"Oh nothing" I say dragging out the oh. "Kin's?" He says fear and curiosity clear in his eyes. "Please don't...." Im sure an evil glint is in my eye. "Oh little brother what on earth do you think I would ever do to you" by now he's standing and backing up." And besides don't you know me by now; I always find a way to get back at you." He smiles a lopsided smile and says "Yeah but you got to emit that it was pretty funny." "True."

"So what's for dinner I'm starved"
" Your always hungry"
" Hey I'm a growing boy."
"Uh-huh anyways what do you want"
I grin at him and laugh "Okay pizza it is but let's get cleaned up first then we'll make it."

58 minutes later..
"Mmm this is so good" he moans
" Mmhmm I can agree with that.." I get up and throw away my trash and start to clean the kitchen. To my right I hear a chair scrape against the hardwood flooring and the same clicking sound of our iPod dock turning on. Immediately a song turned on

"Gangsters don't cry Therefore, therefore I'm Mr. Misty-Eye, Therefore I'm...
Can you save,
Can you save my,
Can you save my Heavydirtysoul ?

Can you save can ,
Can you save my
Can you save my Heavydirtysoul ?"
Heavydirtysoul by " twenty one pilots"  comes on. I've always liked this song for some reason. After Jay comes over and helps clean up; by the time we're done; we've got each other laughing so hard tears are coming out of our eyes.
" okay let's go to bed."

I walk with Jay down the hall to his bedroom which consists of a full bed caty cornered with a black comforter and Navy blue sheets, dark wooden floors, a nightstand next to the bed, a desk in the corner with a lamp next to a bookcase full of books, and a rug in the middle of the floor. All in all its a nice room.

Kin's what happens now? What do we do?"
I sigh " Honestly.. I'm going to enroll us into school tomorrow morning. I know you've wanted to go for a while and I think it'll be good for you." "Will that be safe?" "Have I ever put you in a situation that's not safe without thinking about the pros and cons, " No" "And if it's not or you don't like it then tell me and that will be it." "Okay" "okay... love you bro." "Love you to sis night" "night"

Shutting the door behind me thinking maybe enrolling us into school isn't such a good idea while walking to my room ; that's only down the hall from his room.

Opening the door I take a look around. The walls are painted a Carmel chocolate with pictures hanging up, my king size bed sits in the corner with dark purple comforter, sheets and a few pillows. At the bottom of my bed is a chest full of blankets. (I may have an unhealthy obsession with blankets; I mean there so warm and soft and stuff who wouldn't love them.) in the right hand corner is my bookshelf full of books, with my desk under it that has a rolly chair. I have a walk-in closet and a bathroom connected to my room.

I grab some pj's and brush my teeth by the time my head hits the pillow I'm out cold.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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