How it started chapter 1

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Looking at the trees as they passed by at an unnatural speed while running from them seems normal nowadays.
Your probably confused as to who I am and why I'm running from "them" well let's start at the beginning...

I was seven when all this happened, I didn't know what to do .  I heard the screams and shots of gunfire my mother rushed in the room telling us to hide, that would be over soon and not to come out unless it was her or dad; my little bother was crying not understanding why this is happening like me but I knew we had to be quite "Jay lets play a game "

After that it's all a blank like its there but foggy
I wanted to scream with frustration they said I should keep trying and look for triggers or replay it in my head as if ,if they could see what I see all the time they wouldn't push me to remember but that all changed when I was nine they changed , they didn't ask me if I remember any more.

I over heard them say " it's a hopeless cause ......"
"She won't remember anything Doc."
I was more confused it sound as if they were relieved and also frustrated but why ....

Later that day I was playing hide and seek with my little brother and I came across a trap door. I was curious so that night after the guards passed my room I slipped out ..

When I made it to the hidden door I picked the lock . You see when my brother and I were still lost in the woods the family that found us questioned me about what I remembered and in return gave us food and the food we got wasn't the best; naturally I gave my food to my little brother  who was about three years old at the time. I had decided to sneak out one night and find something that was actually eatable, figuring out how to pick locks came like a second nature after basically starving.

When I opened the door it creaked open hoping no one heard I scurried in shutting it behind me .
It was a dark crawl space just big enough for me. Going down it felt like an hour had passed but in reality it was like 5 minutes .
I could hear sounds of metal grinding against something and a humming sound of electricity I know I'm getting closer to the sound because it's gotten louder I finally see some light up ahead and come to a splitting point I decided to go left. The sound of electricity was gone but the grinding was louder then ever I could faintly hear something else too .

The air seemed to be filled with a metallic smell and even tasted like it. I finally got to were the light was coming from and what I saw was something horrifying and  would haunt me forever.........

That night I knew we had to get out of there before we end up down there what ever that was I didn't want to find out.

If anyone reads this sorry it's short I wrote this story when I was 13 and I'm finally giving it a shot at writing it down on here.

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