Chapter 1: Letters from Hogwarts

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Elsa's pov.
- Hey, guys I am Elsa and I would like to share a story with you, about magical school, witches, wizards, friendship, love and betrayal... It all started in the calm afternoon.
Elsa's pov.
-Anna, wake up!
-Elsa, let me sleep.
-Wake up or I am gonna eat all the chocolate!
When I said that she felt down from her bed.
-Don't dare to touch my chocolate, Elsa!!!!
-Relax, I was kidding, I wanted you to wake up, because we have letters!
I noticed that we recieved letters, but decided not to open them until Anna wakes up.
-Anna, remember our cousin Rapunzel Corona?(Let's pretend that they know each other, ok?)
-Punzie?! How can I not remember her, what about her?
-There is a letter from her...
    Dear Elsa and Anna
It is me, Punzie, I miss you guys so much. I still remember last summer!!! Anna you are lucky to have Kristoff, same for me and Eugene!!! Anyway, I recieved a strange letter from school named Hogwarts, I think it has to do something with magic. Maybe Elsa will recieve one of them too? Anyway send me letters too, cause I really miss you guys!
                                      Your PuznieXXX
-Hogwarts?! What is that?
-Els, I know that you are smart, but really, you don't know Hogwarts?
I shook my head.
-It is school for witches and wizards from all world. You know they may help you with your powers!
-I don't think that I will recieve a letter, besides I don't need my powers to become famous! Arendelle is enough.
-You may reconsider!
-Why would I do that?
-Maybe, because we recieved a letter!
I slowly opened the letter.
     Dear Elsa and Anna of Arendelle( Idk how to spell it)
   We are happy to say that you have been accepted to the magic school Hogwarts, were young witches and wizards learn how to control their powers and become more powerful, we will be happy to see you as our students.
                                         Your Hagrid
-Is it Punzie's joke?
-No, Els, we will be witches, yay!!!
When I was going to argue, Kristoff came in really fast.
-Girls, I recieved a letter from Hoshnardz?
-It is Hogwarts! Me and Elsie are going to!
-First, it isn't Elsie, second we aren't!
-Urgh, fine!
-So, girls I'll see you tomorrow, I need to pack my things, bye.
We said goodbye and Anna went packing. Maybe she is right, maybe it is good for me and my powers, so many problems! I better get packed, as I finished, I felt asleep.
Merida's pov.(I don't know how to write her accent, so imagine her talking in her usual voice)
I was at home, I just came back from my daily running, when mum came behind me.
-Hey, Merida you have letter!
-Strange, I don't have any friends, who would write me...
I opened the letter from Hogwarts? Weird...
Dear Merida Dunbroch
We are happy to say that you have been accepted to the magical school of magic, where young witches and wizards improve their skills. We would like to see you as our student.
Your Hagrid.

When I told that to my dad, he smiled and said that he knows Hogwarts, his brother went there, weird!
-Merida, it is really great school for you, you should go!
-Don't worry, I will.
And with that I went packing, tomorrow will be a long day!
Hiccup's pov.

-Hey Dad...
-Hiccup, I know that you and Astrid broke up, but don't be that sad, you'll find another one and I know how!
-Please, don't tell me that you are going to introduce   me with weird viking girls!
-No, you are going to Hogwarts and you may start liking someone!
-Sure, I am going to Hog... Wait, what?!
I was shocked and wanted to understand what does that mean, he didn't say anything and dropped a letter, I opened it.
Dear Hiccup Horrendous Haddock.
We would like to inform you that you have been accepted to the magical scool of magic, where young wizards amd witches learn about their powers and how to control them. Hope to see you in our school.
Your Hagrid.
Witches, wizards?! Great!!!! I can learn so much about magic, maybe even dragons! And I can move on from Astrid, not that I want to, umm, but, you want changes, it's complicated!
-Yeah sure complicated!
-Was I thinking too loud?
-Yes, now go pack.
I did and went to sleep, tomorrow will be a long day.
(Let's think that this happened, when httyd 1 ended, so his dad is still alive, but he doesn't know about his mother)
Jack's pov.
I was with North talking about guardian stuff and blah, blah... Boring! I need  something interesting.
-Jack, you have letter!
-What is it, Tooth?
I opened it, hmm, interesting.
                                       Dear Jack Frost
We would like to say that you have been accepted to the magical school Hogwarts! In Hogwarts young witches and wizards learn how to control their powers and even become more powerful. We are waiting for you.  
                                                Your Hagrid.
Magic, cool!
-I am going!
-What if nobody will be able to see you?
-I don't think so, it is magical, I am magical, Logic!!! Besides, I am bored and nobody is in danger, bye!
I didn't have much to pack, so I felt asleep, tomorrow will be a good day!
Punzie's pov'( Her and Eugene aren't married, just dating)
- Hey Sunshine.
- Hey, we have a letter.
- Huh?
Dear Rapunzel Corona and Eugene Ryder( Ryder sounds better,so I am using it)
  You were accepted to the magical school Hogwarts, where young witches and wizards are learning how to use their powers correctly and how to control them. We would like to see you as our students.
                                      Your Hagrid.
- It is so cool!!!!
I was very happy, I wrote a letter to Anna and Elsa and felt asleep, I am so excited for tomorrow!
Hope you like it, I don't know Harry Potter very well, so they may be mistakes in future chapters. And here are their ages and status.
Anna Arendelle-14 years old.
Personality- Same as in the movie
Crush/Boyfriend-Kristoff Bjogerman
Blood- Pure.

Elsa Arendelle-15 years old.
Personality- Same, but a little bit more sassy and less lonely.

Kristoff Bjogerman-14 years old
Personality-Same, a little bit more trouble maker.
Crush/girlfriend-Anna Arendelle
Blood- Mudblood.

Merida Dunbroch-15 years old
Personality-Same, a bit more caring.
Crush/boyfriend- None( yet)

Hiccup Hadock-15 years old
Personality-Same, a little bit more brave, mostly nerdy.
Crush/girlfriend-None (yet)
Blood- His mother was a witch, but he doesn't know about it.

Jack Frost-15 years old( He became mortal again when he saw his memories, in my AU)
Personality-Same as in the movie, maybe more serious.
Crush/Girlfriend-None( yet)
Blood- Pure, but he doesn't know.

Rapunzel/Punzie Corona-15 years old
Personality-Same, less crazy
Crush/Boyfriend-Eugene Ryder

Eugene Ryder- 15 years old
Personality-Same, less flirty
Crush/girlfriend- Rapunzel Corona

That's all for now, hope you like first chapter, I hope that you do, bye😘😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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