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Katherine sat quite obediently in the office where she worked. Her life had slipped into one of melancholy routine since Harry had died. She tiredly followed the schedule because she had nothing better to do. Taking care of herself was hard enough when it felt like part of her had died and was gone, let alone taking care of Leo and Nick.

The clock ticked by, never changing, reminding her of a poem she had once read about the ocean but she couldn't be bothered to remember the title. She sighed loudly, rolling around in the chair thinking of Harry. His picture, the one she had demolished four years prior with darts, was hidden in her desk drawer. Having the picture out in the open was too risky, the old bats she worked with would get nosy.

At five o clock , Katherine eagerly closed her laptop and grabbed her things, slipping on her coat. She wrapped her scarf around her neck, ready to face the cold London winter. Waiting outside in his car was Nick Sanchez who had a cigar hanging in his lips, smoke filling the car.

She got in, kissing his cheek with all the love she could muster. "Good day?" She asked, having learned over the past four years not to ask what he did at work, rather was it a good day.

Nick shrugged with his playful smirk. "Better now that you're here." He said kissing her gloved hands. "Aaron picked Leo up today. They're working on dinner right now."

Katherine nodded warming her hands in the air vents. "Good, I'm starving."

Nick chucked in the way he does and offered her a drag of his cigar. Normally she wouldn't have taken the drag, but she decided it wouldn't kill her. "Can you wait just a few minutes there's something I want to do before we go home."

Katherine nodded, a brief moment of happiness inside her as Nick drove to the bridge that overlooked the Thames. He parked and took a breath. "They decorated the light poles." He said breaking the snowy silence.

"I can tell." She giggled getting out of the car at Nick's direction. He held onto her hand walking her to a the darling little light pole.

Nick looked up at her, rubbing her hands softly. He removed one of her gloves. The left one. "I've been thinking all day, trying to figure out a way to say this." He coughed into his arm. "And I've realized that I'm still shit at talking."

Katherine could feel the heat of all the blood being pumped from her heart rush to her face. She knew what was happening and her throat was dry. "You're doing fine." She squeaked.

Nick nodded dropping down to one knee. "I've done this before and it's not easier now." He looked up from thick lashes. "Will you marry me?"

Katherine couldn't think but her body had started to nod her head. "Yes!" She screamed throwing her arms around his neck, kissing all over him.

And this was their life, this would be their life until across the world Harry Styles decided to make his move.

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