chapter 2

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Camila's Pov

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. I could feel the excitement radiating in me. I couldn't stop thinking about the dark haired girl that just buried her grandfather yesterday.

The thoughts of her are giving me heart palpitations. I've seen people talk about crushes and I've watched movies where a guy would have a crush on a girl and vice versa but my sudden attraction to this young lady was moving a lot more than my expectations and I just really want to feel more if it already feels this good.

I lazily got out of bed to take a shower because I'd rather just fantasize about my master's grand daughter rather than working but then I had a job and I wasn't going to jeopardise that so I took the warm bath and dressed up.

I wore a blue gown that had small white flowers all over it. My mom already left as usual but she put down my breakfast on the small desk at the corner of the room before leaving and also left a note that I should take my time before coming because she saw how tired I looked while sleeping.

After finishing my breakfast I went to the field and I saw my mom and other coffee workers already doing their jobs. I greeted everyone before joining in. I didnt know how long I picked for but it was already 1 o'clock in d afternoon and we were asked to take a break.

I sat down under a tree which was close to the mansion to relax since it was my usual spot. I brought my book where I sketch and write things that I dream of doing or places that I dream of going but then I remembered the green eyed girl and before I knew it I was drawing a heart with our names on it.

I thought about a song that fit perfectly into how I was feeling at the moment and couldn't help but sing ed sheeran's kiss me. I was so lost in the moment that I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt someone blocking the ray of the sun that reflected on my closed eyes.

When I opened them, I was shocked to see the only person ive been thinking about all day.



I woke up feeling all tired and stressed. I had a terrible head ache and I just needed it to stop. I looked at my watch and it was already 12pm. I didnt know I had slept that long since I was planning to spend enough time with my family. I decided to take a shower and dressed up for the day.

My grand mother had a tradition to get everyone to eat together all the time and since I had missed break fast with everyone, there was no escaping lunch. I got to the living room just in time and I saw everyone already making their way to the dinning table. I followed suit and sat close to my brother and his girlfriend normani who is also my best friend.

We all go to the same university in london along with austin and chris. Normani, austin and I have one more year till we graduate.

Conversations were going on smoothly as we all ate lunch even though our grandma had warned us a lot of times that talking while eating is a bad table manner but we still do it because no matter how hard we tried, everyone just has something to share about their day.

After eating lunch, austin and his girlfriend becky decided to go out with his brother shawn. They asked if chris, normani and I wanted to tag along but I declined. I told them I wanted to stay in and watch some movies while chris and normani went to their rooms.

I sat with my mom and dad, along with my grandma and austin's dad in the living room. We were watching a movie when I head a voice that almost made my knees shake even though I was sitting down already.

Settle down with me
Cover me up...cuddle me in
Lie down with me
Hold your arms
And your hearts against my chest
Your lips pressed to my neck
Ive fallen for your eyes
But they dont know me yet
With this feeling I forget...I'm in love now.

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