Escaping Danger (19)

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Another Chap 4 ya :)

Rae 'Rae x


Tyler's POV

As soon as we started moving i heard gunshots, they didn't even give us a chance to get close to them! We moved forward and we started shooting back at them, there were more of us than there were of them, probably because we killed off half their gang and we have 3 gangs combined.

"Oi, guys i'm moving in"

"Good luck Ty!"

I ducked low and i started sprinting towards the back door, but there was a guy standing guard outside it, it's a good thing i came prepared though,



Before he finished speaking i already knocked him out, i didn't want to kill him, i'm saving all my killing energy for Drake, fucking prick!

I walked to the back door and opened it quietly, i could see the TV on but i couldn't hear any movement so i moved in a bit more until i felt something cold pressed against my head,

"Don't fucking move"

"I don't have a choice do i you fucking asshole!" So stupid,

"Your crossing the line Tyler!"

"Fuck. You!" He was really starting to piss me off!"

"You will shut your mouth now"

I saw another guy come out holding a knife to Alyssa's neck,

"Make your choice Tyler, you either shut the fuck up or Alyssa dies"

I closed my mouth shut, i had to bite my tongue to prevent me from speaking again,

"That's better, so Tyler, How you been?"

Is he fucking serious?

He punched me in the stomach,

"Answer Me!!!"

"Tyler, no!" Alyssa cried,

"George, everytime she speaks, slap her"

I saw George slap Alyssa and i was about to run to her,

"If you were smart, you'd stay where you are, now answer the fucking question"

"I've been better" I sneered at him,

"Good good, look, i don't want to cause any harm okay? i just want Alyssa"

"Well you can't fucking have her!"

He punched me again,

"Your just like Alyssa, always speaking out of turn!" I spat out blood "Let me rephrase that...I will have Alyssa, with or without you in the picture!"

"Tyler, no, please, don't let him!"

George slapped Alyssa again and i shouted out,

"No!! Just leave her alone! I'll do anything!"


He must be joking!

"Leave... if you leave i won't harm Alyssa, for today! but if you don't i will kill her and i will make you watch" He said into my face.

I looked at Alyssa and she had tears running down her face, she looked at me with pleading eyes, i mouthed 'I'm sorry' and she started crying all over again,

"Make a choice Tyler, my patience is running thin" I looked back up at him,

"Fine i'll leave, but i will be back!"

"Good luck with that Tyler, you got far but you just don't have the skills"

I looked at him and spat in his face,

"And you don't have any fucking balls to fight me yourself!"

He wiped his face and puched me,

"Last time you didn't wanto to i killed your sister, you wouldn't want the same to happy to poor Ally hear would we?"

"Don't fucking touch her!"

He walked over to George and took the knife from him and then he went to Alyssa,

"Tyler! Help me!"

I tried to stand up but my stomach hurt so bad,

Drake slapped Alyssa again,

"Shut up Alyssa, just shut the fuck up!"

"Don't touch her!!"

He whispered something in her ear, and at a blink of an eye he plunged the knife into Alyssa and she screamed out in pain,

"Nooo!! Alyssa!! You said you wouldn't harm her!!"

"And you said you would leave, but your still here aren't you?!"

He stabbed her again and i was full on crying,

"No, Ally!"

"Tyler" She chocked out,

I heard sirens outside the house,

"Drake you son of a bitch!!!"

"I think that's my cue to leave Tyler, but please tell Alyssa this isn't over, i will have her...if she survives" 

He ran out the door with George in tow and i quickly moved over to Alyssa ignoring the pain in my stomach,

"Ally? Ally can you hear me? Please Alyssa don't die on me, be strong, please!"

She didn't reply to me so i decided to check to see if she had a pulse, she did but it was very faint, she needed an ambulance and fast,


"Please help her, please! Her pulse is faint, you need to help her!"

They ran over to Alyssa and they checked her over, they attached alot of things to her and i started crying all over again,

"This is all my fault" I cried to myself,

"Sir? Sir, what is your relationship with her?"

"Her name is Alyssa Richards and i'm her fiance"

"Okay, Mr Davies we need to take you down to the station and ask you some questions about what happened"

"No! I need to be with Ally, i need to! I can't leave her, where is she?!"

I was frantically looking around for Alyssa,

"She is in the ambulance Mr Davies, she's being checked over now"

"I need to be with her!!"

"Okay! You can go with her"

I ran to the ambulance and got in with her,

"Please tell me she's going to be okay, please!"

"She's stable for now, we're just going to have to wait and see"

"Ally" I cried quietly

This time Drake has gone too far, he will fucking pay for this! I will find him and i will kill him!


Rae 'Rae x

Escaping Danger (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang