Escaping Danger (3) (E)

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Oh yh! Chapter 3!! :D

Rae 'Rae x


Alyssa's POV

Sometimes i wonder why I even listen to Drake...Oh yeahh, I know why, because if I don't I'll get hit, or even worse, killed and yes before you ask, Drake is that bad and I definitely do not want it to get to that stage. No one knows Drake hits me, and sometimes i wish i could tell them, then I could leave his sorry ass and be free but I can't so there's no point in wishing.


I looked at my caller ID and saw that it was my best friend Karise, so I answered straight away,

"Kari!!! Watcha doing girl?!"

"Nothing much biatch, glad to know you missed me" She said while chuckling,

"Of course i missed you, i haven't seen you since what? yesterday? A whole painful 24 hours without seeing you, I don't know how I survived" I said wiping away a few fake tears,

She laughed into the phone, "Everyone misses me babe, i'm just awesome like that"

"You winked just now didn't you Kari?"

"Oh shit, you know me too well! I have to give you a high five on that when I see you next time"

"Yeah! Don't forget though, we all know what your like when it comes to remembering things" I said while laughing,

"Don't give me things to remember then, gosh" She chuckled, "Sooo how's ur boyfriend Drakey?"

It pained me to say the next few words,

"He's great, loving as always" What lies, I thought to myself, if only she knew,

"Glad to know, hey Ally? I'll call you tomorrow, Tiffany is calling my house line, Peace out Biatch!"

"Bye Kari" I said while laughing, then I quickly put my phone back in my pocket before Drake saw me using it, it's a shock to me how he even lets me keep the phone considering he has to be there when I use it, so that he can keep an 'eye' on me, as he so lovingly puts it.

Speaking of Drake, I'm surprised he didn't wake up from my shouting, not that I'm complaining though, I've had enough slaps today to be honest and I'm not looking for anymore. I have to watch how I speak next time because I definitely got lukcy today

*Rihanna - Man Down starts playing*

My message tone, I absolutley love Rihanna! She is just too awesome!

I checked my messages to see that it was from my older brother Jacob, whom I haven't spoken to lately, it read:

To: Alyssa

From: Jakey Boy

Hey Ally, haven't seen you in a while, Siennaa has been missing you like crazy, as always lol... Mum wanted to know if you and Drake would like to come round for dinner tomorrow? txt me bck quick time ;)

Ahhhh, my brother Jacob, always the mature one I thought to myself, I'd love to go to dinner, just without Drake but I texted him back,

To: Jakey Boy

From: Alyssa

Hey Jakey! Miss you, mum & Sienna aswell, but I'll ask Drake if he's busy, because that dinner sounds awesome, and I love mum's cooking, she's the best -Tell her that ;)- See u tommoz, hopefully :)

I heard movement from upstairs and I prayed that Drake hasn't woken up from his nap, becasue I haven't cooked his lunch yet and Drake is going to be pissed off if he wakes up to find his food isn't there, I had to learn that the hard way.

*2 hours later*

I put the finishing touches to the table, and made sure it was just the way Drake liked it, otherwise he would not be happy.

I sat at the table just in time to hear Drake come down the stairs. He looked at the table observingly before walking over to me and smashing his lips to mine and out of instinct I put my hands around his neck and deepened the kiss. Before it got a little intense, he pulled away and said,

"You done a fantastic job Ally, this is why i love you" I stayed silent, "Ahem, wat do you say Alyssa?" his eyes narrowing slightly,

"Thank you for the compliment Drake" I said with a forced smile, "May I eat now?" I can't believe I have to ask his permission before I eat, he literally controls my every move,

"Yes you may" more silence, "So anything to tell me Ally?"

"Yes actually, my mum asked if we wanted to go round for dinner tomorrow"

"Ahhh, Kathie, I haven't spoken to her in a while, tell her we'll be there, but tell your brother to back the fuck off this time, it seemed as if he knew something was up last time we went round there, did you tell him anything Alyssa?" He said, while gettin angry,

"No, Drake I swear I didn't tell him or anyone and I never will, I promise, I love you too much to do that babe"

"I would hope so because you haven't seen me at my worst Alyssa and I don't think you want to" He said with a smirk, I hated that smirk, it pisses me off so much, but I would never say that to his face, that would be suicide,

"Of course not baby, how's the food?"

"Do you want the truth?"

I nodded but how I wished I didn't because he replied with,

"It's fucking dry! what? do you not know how to cook fucking chicken and rice?!! it's not hard Alyssa!! How dare you give me dry food, after all I've done for you!!"

Bi-polar much? He got up from his chair, walked over to me and slapped me round the face,

"How long did it take you to cook this huh? 5 minutes, because that's how it tastes!!"

He then slapped me again, "Your really testing my patience Alyssa!"

He then slapped me a third time and that one was so intense, I fell to the floor,

"I look after you day in and day out, and this is how you treat me!!"

He kicked me in the stomach which made my cry out in pain,

"You never learn your lesson!!"

He kicked me again and I could feel the tears run don my face but I knew not to speak, it would just make it worse for me,

"Stand the fuck up!! we're in a kitchen, I can find many things in here to teach you a lesson with!!"

With that said, I hurriedly stood up on my wobbly feet and tilted my head up slightly to find his face looking very very pissed off and all of this was because the chicken was dry? Really?

He slapped me again and I couldn't stand it anymore so I spoke up pleading him to stop,

"Drake, please, I'm sorry, i shou-"

"Why do you always speak out of turn?!! huh?! when i give you permission to speak you speak!!"

He dragged me by the hair and pulled me towards the back door and I started to struggle in his grip,

"You've pissed me off Alyssa, so your sleeping outside tonight, I can't stand to look at your face anymore, you fucking disgust me!"

With that, he chucked me outside onto the grass and shut the door and I just lay there on the wet grass and cried myself to sleep.


hmmm, Drake is a bit bi-polar isnt he? ;)

Feel sorry for Alyssa though :( but i gotta do wat i gotta do lol

More of Tyler in the next chapter :D

Rae 'Rae x

Escaping Danger (Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ