Escaping Danger (20)

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I have no idea how many chapters are left, i haven't decided...I don't wanna make it too long or too short so i don't actually know lol

Rae 'Rae x


Alyssa's POV

(From when she got stabbed)

Shit, i never thought getting stabbed could hurt so bad,

"Tyler" I choked out, 

Is that sirens? Who knows, my mind is going crazy now, it's not everyday you get stabbed by your ex boyfriend, twice,

"Drake you son of a-"

I didn't here the rest of Tyler's sentence because i blacked out.

*30 minutes later or is it?*

I looked around the room, white walls, white floor, white everything so i must be in the hospital. I tried to move my arms but i couldn't and the thing is, Tyler was looking right at me yet he didn't know i was looking at him, it's like i'm in my body but i'm not.

"Ally, please wake up, i can't live without you, i can't!" Was he crying? I've never seen him cry this much,

"I love you Alyssa, so much, we haven't even gotten married yet, we have a future Ally, you are my future, i'm nothin without you, please wake up"

I blacked out again,

*2 minutes later*

ugh! i keep blacking out and it's really getting on my nerves!

I felt a hand touch mine and i opened my eyes to see Tyler,

"Tyler" Wow, my throat is so dry right now,

"Omg! Alyssa! Nurse!!" I pointed to the glass of water and he passed it to me quickly, i drank it fast and it tasted so good!

"Ah, so Alyssa, you've finally come around then" The nurse smiled at me,

"Finally? How long have i been out? and is there any way to dim these lights, there so bright!"

I heard Tyler laugh and i turnt to him and winked,

"You've been out for a day and no we cannot dim the lights" She laughed,

"A day?! Shit, excuse my language" I sat up quickly but i instantly regretted it so i lied back down "Omg, where's Drake?! Tyler, where is he?!"

"Ally" He sighed, that's always a bad sign "He got away, he ran off before the police came in, we don't know where he is" He looked down,

I started crying all over again,

"He's coming back for me Tyler! I know it, we have to move, we have to do something!"

He took my hand in his,

"Can you please forget about Drake for one second" I looked into his eyes "You were stabbed Ally, you have to take it i know how you felt when i was stabbed"

I started laughing,

"How bad was it?"

"Not bad, surprisingly, it didn't hit anything important but you did have 4 broken ribs, i'm guessing that was Drake? son of a bitch hurting my fiance, i'll kill him!"

"Ty, calm down... But i think we should get married earlier than we planned"

"Why?" what a question,

"I don't want to die engaged Tyler, i at least want to be married first,

"Your not going to die Alyssa"

"Drake will come back for me, it's bound to happen, he's gotten me once he will get me again, i know it!"

"Alyssa! Your not going to die okay?"

"How do you know! I got stabbed, twice!! He's going to do much worse!"

Drake isn't one to leave things, he always has to drag things on,

"He won't! I promise"

"The first time you got stabbed and the second time i got kidnapped and stabbed, it's dangerous for us to be together"

"We are not going through this again Alyssa, we are engaged and we will stay engaged, i know your scared and if you want to move houses fine, if you want to move schools fine, if you want to move frikkin country that's fine but you are not leaving me Ally, i've been sitting here for the past 24 hours blaming myself for what happened to you, and i still do. 24 hours Alyssa, i've been crying non-stop, i've been by your side the whole time and i will stay by your side, i'm not leaving you!" He was full on crying now...He's so sweet but,

"You have to" I had tears in my eyes now,

"No, i don't! I'm not going to have this argument Alyssa, we are staying together end of, i can't lose you... i nearly lost you Ally, i was so close to losing you, I love you so much, don't leave me, please" He looked at me with pleading eyes,

"Tyler" I looked down and his face changed rapidly "Fine"

"Wait what?"

"Fine Tyler fine, i won't leave you, you always make me change my mind" I smiled

He leaned up and kissed me,

"Promise me you'll never bring this up again"

"I can't Tyler, i can't promise you that...Next time any of us get hurt i'll bring it up again, it's just what i do" I smiled at him again,

"True, but i always bring you out of it" He gave me another kiss,

"So true" I yawned,

"Your tired, you should get some sleep baby"

"I love hearing you say that" I smirked,

"Get used to it then" He gave me one last kiss,

"I love you Ally"

"I love you too Ty" 

And with that i drifted off into a semi peaceful sleep.

(I was gonna leave it here but i decided to put a little Drake POV in there)

Drake's POV

I was so fucking close! Tyler always has to intervene with everything, he pisses me off!

If Alyssa thinks this is the end she has another thing coming, i always get what i want and what i want is her... I hope she survived though, i didn't want to stab her, i had to though!


"Yeah Drake"

"We're gonna lay low for a while, let the police stop looking for us then we'll go back"


"Because i'm going to get my fucking girl back but i can't have the police on my tail can i?"

"Okay okay i get you, how long?"

"About a week maybe 2, i don't fucking know!"

"Calm down Drake"

ugh! why did i even bring this guy with me?

"I'm calm, like i was saying, we'll go back, find her and leave with her...i'll probably have to kill Tyler in the process but that's not a problem"



i decided to send Alyssa a message:

To: Alyssa

From: Drake

You can live your life with Tyler now Alyssa but he'll be gone soon enough and i'll be there for you, i'll always be there for you.


hmmmmm, i dunno lol

Rae 'Rae x

Escaping Danger (Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя