Escaping Danger (18)

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i would've uploaded earlier but my mum made me watch movies with her *cue eye roll* lol

Rae 'Rae x


Alyssa's POV

I can't believe i'm back to square one but this time it's worse. My life was so perfect with Tyler until Drake came back, i knew it was bound to happen some time but me and Ty were just starting to settle down and he came and ruined it. 

I was full on crying now and i didn't even bother to wipe the tears away because i know it would just start up all over again.

I saw the door open and i moved back against the wall, if i speak i'll get hit, if i don't i'll get hit, i don't even know why i try anymore if i'm honest.


"Yes Drake"

"Are you hungry?"

Course i'm fucking hungry, your holding me hostage you prick,

"Yes Drake"

"Well instead of sitting there you can come and make your own fucking food, i'm not your slave you know"


"Okay Drake, would you like me to make you yours aswell?"

"Nah i'd rather starve, of course you should make mine! You have no common sense Alyssa, none at all...Get in the fucking kitchen and make the food!"

"Yes Drake"

I walked up the stairs as fast as i could but it's very difficult when you have at least 2 broken ribs,

"Hurry the fuck up Alyssa, your wasting time!"

"I'm sorry Drake, i'm hurt"

"I don't give a shit, i'm hungry and i'm more important so move faster!"

"Yes Drake"

ugh! He's such an asshole, if i was brave enough and strong enough, i would totally push him down these stairs but i'm not so i might aswell do as he says,

"Make sure it's not dry this time! Remember last time? if it happens again i will stab you, but not kill you, i want you to learn your lesson, not die" ugh!! "Go!!"

I quickly walked into the kitchen and got started on the food. I wonder if i could kill him before he kills me?... No Alyssa! Tyler will come for you! If i keep saying that to myself i'll feel better,

"Alyssa?! what are you doing in there, making friends?!! Hurry up!!!"

"Sorry Drake, i'm nearly done"

After about 5 more minutes i brought the food out to Drake and he looked at me and smirked, i fucking hate that smirk!!

"Thank you Ally"

I hate the way he says that name, it's nothing like the way Tyler said it,

"Your welcome Drake"

"You know what Alyssa? You can stay up here and eat with me, seeing as you've been a good girl tonight, you deserve it"

What am i, a dog?!

"Thank you Drake"  Fuck you!

I went to sit next to him and he put his arm around me and pulled me closer, i actually felt like throwing up, it felt so wrong.

Tyler, come for me, please!

Tyler's POV

"Ugh, that was some hard shit!"

"Tyler we lost 3 of the guys, why are you so calm?!"

"Fuck you Ricky! My Fiance is with that bastard, i don't have time to mourn, i need to get her!"

"Sorry Ty"

"It's fine, who the fuck is going to clean my house?!"

"We'll do it later, i still can't believe the G1 gang ambushed us, we're lucky we have alot more skills otherwise we'd be the ones dead"

"So true, but i haven't got time to think back on it! I need to find Alyssa!"

I'm so angry right now!!!

"I'll come with you Tyler, i got your back"

"Thanks Ricky, the rest of you, clean my fucking house"

I heard a range of yeah's and watever's... It's time to get Alyssa.

*20 minutes later*

"Shit! Ty, the G1 gang is all over this place, we'll never be able to smeak in here"

"You don't think i know that"

"Look, Ty, i really think you should sleep before you do anything"

"You want me to sleep? you want me to fucking sleep while my fiance is with that bastard?! Is this a joke?! I don't need fucking sleep i need Alyssa!!"

"Okay Tyler okay, i will help you get her! but we need a plan, we can't just shoot them all"

"Whats wrong with that?"

"Ummm, there's only 2 of us"

I whistled out to the bushes and the G3 & 4 gang came out,

"Back up Ricky, back up"

"Nice one Ty"

I turned around to the other gangs,

"Okay look, all you need to do it cause a distraction, shoot them, stab them, do whatever you want, just divert their attention away from the back and front doors, i need to go in there, alone, do you understand?"

They all said yes at the same time,

"Let's move"

Don't worry Ally, i'm fighting for you


I dunno if i like this chapter but i'll leave it up anyways

Rae 'Rae x

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