Eric Imagine for @awesome6942

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Taisha's POV
I have been waiting for this for my entire life. The moment when I can finally leave Amity. I always knew I was different. All the other kids were constantly happy while I was constantly not. I was never happy there. I wanted more.

Yesterday I was told that I am more Dauntless than anything. I couldn't have been more happy. Which, from what I said earlier, is a very rare thing for me.

Today, I get to officially leave my family and everyone I've ever known to spend the rest of my life with people just like me. People who find happiness in risking their life. I am so ready.

Eric's POV
This ceremony is the most boring thing I have ever attended. All of these kids are staying in their factions. Why are these people afraid of change?

I snap out of my daze as a gorgeous girl with dark, chocolate brown hair walks up to the bowls. She's Amity. She, unlike any other Amity member, didn't bounce enthusiastically up to the bowls. She was different. In one swift motion, she cut her skin open and placed it over the coals, immediately choosing Dauntless as her faction. The entire Amity faction gasped as one.

Finally. The guy next to me gives up his seat for her and I'm left sitting next to this beautiful girl.

Taisha's POV
I didn't think it would be this hard. Not that being a Dauntless initiate is easy. It is far from that, but not as bad as I had originally expected. Today, we're playing capture the flag. And I'm on Eric's team.

Since I got here, I've noticed Eric sneaking glances at me while I throw knives or spar with another initiate. It was creepy at first because his expression was hard, but it's softened since then. I wonder why.

Eric's POV
The game was going well so far. My team was definitely the best here. We were so close to getting that flag. Taisha and I were running together. Being the person I am, I was barking out orders to her in military fashion. I hesitated a little at first.

She follows my orders and we separate. Her to one side, me to the other.

After a couple seconds of complete silence, that silence is cut by the sound of a bullet. It's not unusual, people shoot randomly around all the time. This was not normal though. And I immediately knew that.

Yells pierced the air. Someone had been shot.

I get up and run over to where the shouts were coming from. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who was lying on the ground. Taisha.

"Everyone move! Now!"

The crowd parted.

"Back to base! All of you!"

Four led everyone back to the HQ while I stayed with her. She was still conscious.

"Eric? I'm going to die."

"No you're  not, don't say that."

Four returned quickly with a large first aid kit.

"There's a bullet in her stomach."

There was a lot of blood. It was pooling around her. She began to go in and out of it. She knew it. I knew it. Four knew it. But I didn't want to believe it.

"No Taisha. Do not die on me. Okay. We haven't had enough time together. Please stay with me."

I was attempting and failing to stop the blood. As much as I tried to keep it in, tears were springing from my eyes.

"Please Taisha no. I- I love you . Please you can't go. I've never felt like this with anyone before."

Her deep brown eyes were filling with tears.

"I love you to-"

And she was gone.

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