How You Kiss

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Tobias: Your kisses are long and full of passion. You both have "romantic souls" and you both enjoy a good make-out sesh. Which is perfect because these kisses often leave you and Tobias both craving more.

Eric: You, my dear are quite talkative. Eric absolutely loves when you're rambling on and he just suddenly kisses you, making you stop mid-sentence to kiss him back. Your kisses are sudden and frantic.

Caleb: Your kisses are short and sweet. Caleb doesn't like to linger for long and neither do you. However, sometimes Caleb wants more. Every once in a while, you will be walking around Erudite HQ and Caleb will pull you into a closet, or dark hallway to pin you to a wall, and passionately kiss you.

Peter: Peter's kisses are sloppy, but loving at the same time. He is new to this whole thing and doesn't know the proper "technique", but you are always quick to assure him that it's perfect.

Uriah: Your kisses are loving and passionate; Uriah likes to pull you close when kissing. He holds you tight and whispers 'I love you' between every kiss.

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