Imagine for Maggie

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Tobias's POV
My heart was practically pounding out of my chest. My mind was racing. I turn my back on them for a second and Peter calls Maggie, the love of my life, a whore. Rage flurries up inside of me. I clench my fists and spin around, hoping my fist connects into Peter's jaw. But what really happens, makes me want to shoot myself.

Maggie's POV
After Peter called me that horrible name, I immediately stepped in between him, and Tobias, knowing Tobias was going to do something to him. I can practically hear Tobias's heart jump, so I turn around to comfort him.

As soon as I turn, pain erupts on my face. I hear gasps in the background, but all I am focused on is Tobias's face. His eyes glisten, with tears threatening to spill over any second. His mouth open, wanting to make a sound. Wanting to apologize, but nothing comes out.

"Maggie," he finally croaked out my name, "I am so sorry baby." Peter stepped beside me. "Wow Four. I wouldn't even think of hitting her." I turned my attention back to Tobias. I wasn't mad. Not even a little. Honestly, I was feeling proud. Weird huh?  He punched me with a force, even Eric couldn't compare to. It didn't hurt anymore, but I could clearly see the hurt on Tobias's face. By this time, all the other Dauntless members had cleared out, including Peter.

I stepped towards Tobias. "Please don't feel bad. If doesn't hurt much. You didn't mean to." His face was still frozen in hurt. "Please, babe. I forgive you. You don't need to feel bad." He stepped towards me a cupped my face with his hands. "But I punched you, Maggie. A boyfriend shouldn't do that. Maggie I hate myself right now. I should have looked. I should have seen yo-." I cut him off by crushing my lips against his in a forceful way. Something I'm not used to. He was rigid at first, but relaxed into the kiss. He cupped my face and I placed my hands on his waist.

Normal POV
Maggie and Tobias broke their love-filled kiss, smiled at eachother, and walked away to their room hand-in-hand. They spent the rest of the night cuddling. Tobias apologized at least six times a minute. Every time Maggie kissed him to shut him up.

A/N I hope you liked it Maggie! Sorry if it's so short. Please feel free to request more, preference or imagine. Whatever you want. And I will try my best to keep up with everyone's requests. Thanks! :)

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