How You Cuddle

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Tobias: Tobias and you both lie on your back. You always talk until you fall asleep. Oddly enough, you always wake up in each others arms.

Eric: Eric is a spooner. You have always wanted to be the big spoon and you tried once. You could barely fit your arms around his massive stature. He spoons you and whispers cute things to you.

Caleb: Caleb likes it when he sits cross-crossed with you on his lap. He hugs you close and you sit, and talk; occasionally leaning your foreheads together for some reason.

Peter: He likes it when you lay on top of him. He always jokes that if Amity were to be attacked, you would be his human shield. However, before you fall asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat, he always says he'll protect you with his life.

Uriah: Uriah likes it when he sits up against something sturdy and you lie on your back, with your head in his lap. He likes to stroke your hair and tell you how much you mean to him. You like to pick flowers and spades of grass, and play with them.

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