I grabbed his ass and he laughed uncontrollably before we separated from our hug.

"Girl you know I like that" He said as he winked at me.

I shook my head and burst out laughing at my other bestfriend.

We were going on a walk with his dog Bubbles today....

I have been spending a lot of time with everybody lately and haven't been working overtime or as much as I was before.

It's shocking a little but I feel like I'm a much happier person now.

I think I finally accepted the fact that Ky doesn't love me anymore and that he moved on with his new life featuring Monè.

People keep asking me and telling me to see what's wrong with Ky because he seems so "unhappy and depressed" to them... I guess he's just a different person now.

My birthday even passed and he didn't call or text or even tell anybody to tell me happy birthday so I was even MORE hurt if it was possible but that's when I realized that my own bestfriend, FWB and man that I loved so damn much.... didn't give a fuck about me anymore.

I thought about reaching out a couple times but it's not my place because of Monè and I'm still VERY in love with him....

I mean disgustingly deeply... In love with Mehki Harris.

But I guess this is just the way it goes so I just push the millions of loud laughs, cries and special moments that we shared to the back of my head the absolute best way I can.

I only talked to him one time with Monè at another BBQ that we had and it was me asking them if they wanted cake so that doesn't even really count.

I only seen him twice ever since that time when I went to excitedly tell him that I was in love with him too but got cut off by his girlfriend... The two times I seen him, he gave me a short, SIDE hug while saying 'Hi' or 'Hey' and that was it.

It heavily effected me when they first started their relationship.

Everybody had to help me through it... My adorable little brothers were there for me also.

💭 Flashback 💭

I was getting inside the house from work and I was fucking beyond exhausted.

I have been working even more hours than overtime to not think about what was going on with Ky.

I always think about what he's doing.

I was currently coming into my empty house from a long day of work and he was probably holding Monè and kissing on her as they laid up together like we used to.

I breath out stressfully as I ran my hand down my face as if it was erasing my thoughts.

My phone started ringing and I took it out of my purse. I read the caller ID.

Baby Bro #1 🎈😍

Garrett was the oldest brother out of the two. He was 19 and Terez is 17.

I breathed out and answered.

"Open the door sis" I heard him say.

"What?" I asked confused while I glanced at the door through the low lighting of the lamp as if I could see him through the door.

"Open the door" he laughed out.

I went over and unlocked the door to see my brother standing there with a Nike bag over his shoulder.

"Heyyyyy!!" I sang excited to see him as I tossed my phone.

"Wassup sis" he said as he hugged me and kissed my cheek.

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