Were-Wolves Hybrids and Pheonixs Oh My! (Chaper 7)

Start from the beginning

'Everyone it's your Alpha, Ember. I've been drugged and taken by Mr. Dale and another person who I've yet to identify,' I say remembering the second voice. 'I don't know where we are or what they are planning but see what you can dig up on him while I escape. Don't worry about me, I will be fine and have done this before,' I project into all their minds before pure exhaustion cuts off the link leaving me feeling cold and alone.

Tiptoeing over to the window I peer out, coming up with a plan. From what I can tell I'm three story's up and there's a small clearing around the house, but besides that it's straight shot to the forest, which I'm hoping is the same one next to my house.

It's a bit of a jump, but it won't do me too much damage.

I release the latch on the window sill and start to lift my leg over and out when I'm zapped by an invisible force.

"Shit!" I hiss, hopping up and down on one foot, while holding my other injured one.

"Not the greatest idea. Force fields aren't the nicest things to touch," chuckles a voice behind me.

"Who the fuck are you and what do you want with me?" I snarl out, crouching slightly into a defensive position, as I assess the man in front of me. I can't smell him? How can he have no scent whatsoever? Must be the drugs still affecting my senses.

He's tall, around my height with striking hazel eyes and shaggy brown hair. Admittidly he's not bad to look at, but not as good as Dax... Or Chase my mind whispers.

"Well, since you asked so nicely, I'm Jackson. It's a pleasure to meet you too," he replies dryly.

I notice he doesn't answer my second question. Ugh! I'm so sick of being kidnapped and chased everywhere I go! Why can't people just leave me alone?

"Listen, Jackson. You can either let me go, or I'll rip you to shreds," I say my voice sickeningly sweet.

"You can't leave until you've talked to the boss," he replies with a nonchalant shrug, his arms crossed over his chest like he doesn't have a care in the world.

"You made your choice," I lunge before he can register my words. I land a clean punch to his jaw, hearing the bone crunch beneath my clenched fist. He howls in pain before throw a couple punches of his own in rapid succession. I dodge as best as I can, but I'm still woozy from the drugs, slowing my reaction time.

He throws me down and is about to jump on me when I remember the fire place to the side of the room.

Throwing my hands out, I bend the fire to my will. Forcing it to hover in the air around Jackson, creating his own personal fire prison. I can feel the sweat rolling down my face from the exertion it takes to control something so wild and untamed.

Suddenly, I feel my control loosen and start to dissipate. I can see Jackson concentrating on the flaming wall around him. The wind whirls around us, tossing furniture around as if it was paper as my flame starts to be snuffed out. He's a Wind Elementalist! Shit! Why can't I smell him?

Letting go of my fire power, I lunge forward at him, ignoring the various objects that slice my skin as they fly through the air, and tackle him to the ground.

He goes down with a thud as I straddle his waist, placing my hand over his mouth so he can't mutter another spell.

Leaning down, I sing a lullaby into his ear. The air around us settling as sleep takes of him. Breathing out a sigh of relief, I stand up shakily and make my way to the door when it suddenly bursts open.

I stand there with my jaw hanging open like a fool as my intruder does the same.

"Dax," I mutter. "I should have known."

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