Chapter 7: Suprise words, suprise visits and the past

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I walked into the room her lifeless body just there her i couldn't bare to see her in such pain her leg in a cast she still looked beautiful she was wearing some shorts well boxers spare and a little white t-shirt. I grabbed her hand they were warm and i put my head on her stomach and i said "Why Jess why I knew i would get a chance to say this but I didn't want to say it in here I've wanted to tell you that and now you can't hear me but i will tell you Jessica Rose O'Donoly I Louis Tomlinson Love you !"

"Say What!" A little voice said i looked down to see a pair of green wide perfect eyes staring back at me "Jess your alive ?!"

"No am bloody dead of course am alive but louis what did you just say?"

" Jess I LOVE YOU!"

"Louis I LOVE YOU TOO!" 

"What Jess you really mean it oh god Jess cm'ere!" I held her in my hest her arms around my neck and then she pulled away she looked me in the eye then to my lips and then to my eyes again i knew exactly what she wanted a kiss so i leaned in and our noses touched a little we both closed our eyes and got closer and closer our lips almost touched but then 


"Jessy baby aaaa what the hell have you done!"

 "Excuse me!" i said 

"Ceallach, Richard you idiots you actually came from NYC to London!"

"See Richard I told you she underestimates us of how much we care for her!" 

"Jess the weird thing is he did and erm hi jess's cuddle buddy stealing my job but it's okay i forgive you!" Louis laughed at that and introduced himself and then ceallach said the words


"SHUT UP!!" i screamed but Louis thought i was cute and he pulled me into another hug until

"How d'ya know i was here?"

"Your all over twitter," Richard says "so we came here first hospital to look in and we found you!"

"Really?!" I went to grab my phone but my top lifted up to reveal my scars the scars of the past i grabbed my phone and pulled my top down Ceallach and Richard knew obviously but Louis didn't so i was hoping he didn't see unlucky for me though.


"NOTHING!" Richard and Cel came to my rescue but at this point Louis was at my body looking for more scars he was sucessful he went down to my thigh found some then to my arm and found more and then back to my stomach lifted the top up more and saw more scars he called the rest of the boys in every single one they all looked at me smiled then to Louis and frowned they all croweded round me Louis with his hands on mine and Richard and Ceallach on my toher side holding on to my other arm. "Jess tell us what happened!" Louis said concern in his eyes

"Louis what are you talking about?" Dan asked 

"THIS!" he says as he pulls my top up a bit to reveal all my scars the reason nobody noticed them before is because of me putting foundation on them to cover them up. Everyone gasped and shocked Josh looked the worst hit and Niall cam closer to me and told me to tell them everything he said we are all family here so tell us so i did.

"Okay I had this boyfriend called Matt he was amazing but that was a front and all my past boyfriends get dumped because they only want me for sex  and Matt was different well i thought he was one night we were at his house and his mum wasn't home so he took me to his bedroom and it wasn't unsual cuz i was use to go to this room just to talk but what he did was he locked the door and put my phone on the table but he accidently called Ceallach who was with Richard and he held me close and he tried to kiss me he grabbed me and took my clothes off he handcuffed me to the bed and he raped me ceallach heard all this i was screaming for help buit nobody came and everytime i screamed Matt would hurt me in a way he would cut me he cut my thigh first and continued then to my arms and then continued but then at this point he continued and i kept screaming but we heard banging downstairs and Matt was cutting down me stomach he said i'd been a bad girl and he pushed the knife in my stomach grabbed his clothes and put them on and climbed out the window cel and rich came in and saw me they covered me got the handcuffs off and took me to the hospital called dad and eberything and then that was it nothing much to it really am still here though thats what matters i guess."

"And tell them about jazzy." Cel instructed 

"Oh right well after a couple of weeks Matt came back i was home alone with Jazzy and Joe dad was out with Jay they went to get some presents for Joe's birthday Cel and Rich were on their way over so i opened the door thinking it was them but it was Matt he came in and sat down next to Jaz i told him to get out but he wouldn't so jaz ran to me and jay was near me already i told him to go before i called the police he didnt listen to me instead he walked closer to me and the little ducklings and he came closer and he grabbed jaz and ran with her in the house he took her to her bedroom and he locked the door the front door was however open so cel and rich came in and ran to me i told them everything and they broke the door down and there he was matt Jaz and knife on the floor what happend there was Matt came back for me for round 2 but he knew i wouldn't so he took jaz and said if i didnt then he would hurt jaz which he did he cut her arm but the knife fell on the floor cuz of the door breaking down cel ran to jaz and rich ran to Matt and beat him up i couldn't do anything i had to saty with jay so i told rich to take jay and i went to matt abd kicked him and everything at this point dad came he saw Matt called the police punched Matt in the face and now Matt if rotting in jail and we are all fine."

everyone face was in tears or shock Louis face was the worst he coulkdn't take it he leaned over me to my face and said " I will always protect you!" 

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