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Most of the day's gone by. Yet again digging holes.

Zero was helping out Stanley with digging his hole. And finally, Stanley finished at a faster time.

Squid and X went over to the hole, kicking some dirt back in.
"Come on, dudes.. Leave em' alone." I told them.
"Whatever, Shades." They replied.
I shook my head and went back to work.

Pendanski came over with lunch.

Most of us picked how much were supposed to, while Ziggy, here, took a handful of crackers.

As I sat down eating my apple, I see Zigzag talking to Stanley.

Soon, the two start shoving each other, throwing punches and stuff.
I sat up, ran towards them and pushed the two apart.
"That's enough you two. Quit playing." I said, in the middle of them.

"Go on, Stanley. Teach him a lesson. Hit him back." Pendanski said.
"Yeah, Stanley. Hit me back." Zigzag taunted.
"Wha- Are you serious?" I looked at Pendanski.
"You're kidding me. You're actually telling him to fight back? You're insane. Your the counselor here!" I shouted at Pendanski.
"Now, now, Shades. Stanley needs to learn to toughen up." Pendanski replied, as if everything was alright.
Zigzag walked closer to Stanley.
"No, no, no. Stanley can learn to be tough, but not by hitting anyone back."
"Hit me back, Caveman. Hit me back." Zigzag taunted again.
"Dude, sto--" I got cut off.
Stanley slapped him, earning a tackle from Zig.
They fell to the ground, Zigzag punching Stanley.
"Woah, woah, guys, STOP!" I shouted, trying to push them apart.

Which was the worst mistake of my life.

The fighting from the two pushed me down to a hole.

Pain ached in my foot.
"Owww!!" I screamed.
The fall caused my to sprain my foot.

Zero immediately came to the hole, extending his arm.
"Jesus. You okay?" He pulled me up.
"No. I just sprained my leg." I looked at him.
I sat down.
"Don't move." He told me.

I saw the two were still fighting.
"Oh god." I threw my hands up "Way to go, Doctor." I looked bitterly at Pendanski, sarcasm in my voice.
Next thing I know Zero jumps on Zigzag.
"Zero! What are you doing?!" I shouted.
He started choking him, the other boys coming closer trying to stop him.
"That's enough!" I heard Pendanski say several times.
"Oh, now you want it to stop. It wouldn't have happened in the first place if you would just shut up!" I screamed at Pendanski.
"Zero! Stop! Let go of him!" I shouted, trying to get up, but the pain from my leg pushed me to sit back down.

Then suddenly a gun shot sound erupted, startling everyone. Making Zero let go of Zigzag, who took in a big breath.

Pendanski fired a bullet to the sky. "Now I said that's enough, and when I say end something, end it!" He shouted. "Now get back to your holes!"

Zero went over to Stanley and helped him up, then walked over to me.

"Are you okay?" They asked.
"I'm fine, other than the fact I sprained my foot. You okay, Stanley?"
"Yeah, I'm alright." He replied.
I suddenly grabbed Stanley by the collar of his jumpsuit putting him an inch or to from me.
"Why did you listen to them?!" I whisper-screamed "You know Zig has a temper."
Then I switched to Zero
"And you! What were you thinking?!"
"You almost killed him!" I shook Zero.
The boys just stood there. Silent.

And the next thing I know the Warden shows up, along with Mr. Sir. The rest of us were gathered around and started talking about the fight.

And They told me and Stanley to quit teaching him to read. I gave them a sour face while leaning on the truck, to stop my foot from hurting even more.

And Pendanski had the great idea to give Zero a shovel and taunt him, thinking it will be fine.

Oh boy, he was WRONG.

"... What does D-I-G spell.." Pendanski put his face close to Zero, mocking him.

Zero took the shovel and hit Pendanski on the head, knocking him to the ground.

We gasped.

He kneeled down to Pendanski's now unconscious body "Dig." And then he ran away.

The warden stopped Mr. Sir from running after him, because he's in the middle of a dessert. Where's he going to run to?

"Zero!" I tried running after him but my foot hurt, Stanley held me back.

"Go, Zero! Go! Run, Zero!" Stanley and I shouted.

And soon. He was gone. Zero ran away.

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