Cronos' Protection

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  Cronos had always loved his planet. It had strong winds that made the trees flow, and on certain days he would sit on the rings of his planet and look out to the galaxy, feeling the wind flow through his hair. Cronos was only 16, and lived in a beautiful palace on top of the biggest hill on Saturn. His parents had decided to name their planet after him, claiming it was because of his beauty.
Cronos was sitting on Saturn's rings, inspecting the beauty that was the galaxy. He loved the way the stars twinkled, sending bright light onto their planet that the sun couldn't. His planet was one of the colder planets, but everyone on it had already adapted to it. As he was sitting there, looking at the other planets, he couldn't help but feel like wanting to go to earth, just to see what it was like. He was so deep in thought that he didn't even realize there was something drifting over to his planet until the guard his parents made him take everywhere, pointed it out. It looked like a robot, completely made of metal. It was beginning to drift closer, to the point that it was maybe 100 feet away. Cronos quickly stood up, leaning closer to the edge of the rings, trying to get a better look at it. He saw the words 'NASA' and vaguely remembered what his parents had told him about how earth had a program called 'NASA' and how they had sent a spacecraft to their planet in the earlier years, before he was born.
Cronos quickly told the guard they were going home, and jumped the distance between the rings and his home planet, floating slightly over to the planet. When he had landed, he quickly started over to his palace, the guard following him closely. He walked into his palace making his way to his father's office, opening the door and scrambling inside. "Father there's a NASA spacecraft coming towards the planet." He quickly said as his father looked at him wide eyed. He turned to the guard standing next to Cronos and told him to inform the rest of the staff. "When in lands, quickly grab it and cover the lense," his father told the guard, standing up.
His father quickly scampered out of his office, Cronos following quickly after him. "Father what's happening?" He said, still trying to catch up with his father's long strides. "Earth is trying to explore our planet again, and we can't let that happen." He says quickly. "Why not father?" Cronos replies. "Because if they do, they might take us away and dissect us. I need you to stay in your room, I don't want you close to that spacecraft, risking you being seen." His father said stopping at Cronos' room, opening the door and lightly pushing him in and closing the door.
His father had found his mother and told her what was happening. She told him to stay safe and watched him go find a sledge hammer. He walks out towards where the guards were holding the spacecraft. "Set it down facing away from us so it doesn't see any of us or the planet." He says strictly, gripping the hammer in his hand tightly.
The guard set it down carefully, hand still over the lens. "Remove your hands," he says once he's close enough to the spacecraft to hit it. The guard cautiously removes his hands from the lens. "What are you planning to do sir?" the guards ask. "This," He says as he pulls his arms back, hammer in hands, and swings down hard, hitting directly in the middle of the spacecraft. He began to repeatedly hit it over and over. "They" Hit. "Can't" Hit. "Find" Hit. "Us" Hit. "I won't let it happen" He says once the spacecraft is in pieces and sputtering sparks. "I won't let them hurt us, no matter what the cost." He said, dropping the hammer on the ground and walking back to the palace with the guards, missing the lens shuttering, humanity sitting back at NASA in shock of what they had just seen.  

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