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“So one cheese and one with peppers and onions?” Harry asked, holding his phone and getting ready to make the phone call.

“Might as well make it two cheese. Niall will probably eat at least half a pie,” Zayn replied from where he was lounging on the sofa.

“It’s true,” Niall said.

“Fine, two cheese and one with peppers and onions,” Harry said, rolling his eyes and leaving the room so that he could make the phone call.

As soon as he did, Louis stood up from the couch, pointing Liam towards the movies to pick something out for them to watch while eating pizza, and went to the kitchen. He listened as Harry made the phone call, grabbing some sodas from the fridge and placing them on the counter.

“Should be here in a half hour,” Harry said while shoving his phone back in his pocket and moving to where Louis was.

“Are you sure tonight’s a good night?” he asked hesitantly.

“Lou, it’s been three months,” Harry groaned. “It’s about time we tell them.”

“I’m just worried that they’ll freak out or get weird about it,” Louis said, toying with the soda can in his hand.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine and supportive,” Harry replied, leaning to place a reassuring kiss on Louis’ lips. “Now come on, let’s go watch whatever movie Liam picked out, then tell the guys.”

Louis nodded, grabbing another can on the counter and letting Harry take the other three, then followed his boyfriend into the sitting room. He frowned when Harry froze in the entranceway and stood on his tiptoes to look over Harry’s shoulder to see why he stopped.

“Oh god,” he choked out, eyes bugging when he saw what was on the TV screen.

It was paused on the sex tape of him and Harry, the two frozen on screen, shirtless and kissing.

“What are you doing?” Harry breathed, and Louis pushed his boyfriend forward a little so that he could see the three other boys in the room.

Liam was pointedly looking away from the TV, a small grimace on his face, Zayn’s face was scrunched up a bit, and Niall looked like he was about to burst into laughter.

“What are you doing?!” Zayn shot back, waving a hand and motioning to the paused sex tape.

“Well, Zayn, most people call that kissing,” Louis said, blinking a few times.

Zayn’s eyes narrowed a little and Louis quickly realized that his friend wasn’t in the mood for jokes.

Why are you kissing and why is it on film,” Liam asked, and it seemed to Louis that the boy was refusing to make eye contact with either him or Harry.

“We’re together,” Harry replied.

“Clearly together,” Niall snorted, cocking his head towards the TV.

“No, I mean, we’re together together,” Harry said, pushing his curls back a little after having shaken his head.

“Yeah, we’re dating,” Louis said, adding to the clarification.

The three boys sat quietly for a moment as if digesting the news, then Zayn broke the silence.

“I would question whether you guys were messing with us, but I think that the fact that you have a sex tape is proof enough.”

“Wait, Harry, why the hell was this left down here?” Louis asked, turning to face his boyfriend and raising an eyebrow.

“Err, I may have…may have been watching it,” Harry answered sheepishly. “You weren’t home and I missed you.”

“How long?” Liam interrupted.

Louis opened his mouth, his lips tugging into a grin as he began to say, “Well Harry is-”

But Harry’s hand quickly covered his mouth before he could even continue what he was saying.

“Don’t think he’s talking about that, but rather how long we’ve been together. Three months,” the younger boy answered, pulling his hand back when Louis licked at it and wiped it on his pants without a second thought.

“And you kept it from us?” Zayn asked, pouting a little.

“You know that we would have been fine with it,” Niall added.

“Yeah, as long as you don’t go flaunting your sex life in front of us,” Liam said.

“No worries, we’ll keep our sex lives behind closed doors,” Louis reassured, not wanting to discomfort his band mates in any way.

“Or in Zayn’s hall,” Harry said.

Louis shook his head, ignoring Zayn’s sound of disgust, and said, “That wasn’t really sex though, was it?”

“Eh, we came. Still don’t think Zayn wants that sort of stuff in his house.”

“I definitely don’t!” the dark-haired boy said loudly.

“Alright, alright,” Liam said. “As much as I’d just love to have a discussion about where and when you guys have done stuff, I think we should move on from this conversation.”

“Agreed,” Zayn nodded.

“So, I guess we’ll be watching a different movie then?” Harry said, shifting towards the TV. 

“Yeah, and mark that movie properly,” Niall said. “Don’t want to ever make the same mistake again and accidentally watch it.”

“Duly noted,” Louis said, knowing that the tape would have to remain marked and hidden so that no one else would ever find it.

“And to think that we were worried about how you guys would react about me and Lou,” Harry said, shaking his head.

“Well, we’re fine with it. I mean, we could have found out a thousand different ways and they’d all be much better than this,” Liam said, turning off the TV so he no longer had to see the paused image of two of his best mates snogging.

“Imagine if you had caught us in the act,” Louis said. “That’d definitely be much worse.”

Niall, Zayn, and Liam all grimaced, undoubtedly imagining that sort of situation, and Louis and Harry couldn’t help but grin a little, reminiscing on the close calls that they had had in the past and would definitely have in the future.


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