Naughty Texting

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Harry stared at the television in front of him with a bored expression. The programme on wasn’t holding his interest and all he could think about was the meal that was being prepared in the kitchen. Niall and Zayn had left the room a half hour ago to prepare some sort of dish. All that Harry really remembered was that there was going to be a side of sweet corn and just that thought had him waiting impatiently. It seemed as though the longer that he waited for dinner to finish though, the slower time passed. Unfortunately there was no way to change the programme, for Liam, who was sitting on a separate couch, insisted that they watch it. The first time that Harry complained about it being boring, Liam had given him a slightly irritated glare and shushed him quickly, then turned back to watching it.

Glancing at the gadgets in his lap, Harry picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to the boy sitting next to him.

im bored. why do we have to watch this stupid show

After hitting send, he tried to subtly watch the boy next to him as he waited for the text message to arrive. He grinned at Louis when the boy read the message and knew his friend was slightly amused that Harry insisted on texting, regardless to their positions right next to each other on the couch. He saw his own screen soon light up, an indication that Louis had returned the text already.

aw poor Haz. bet u want to watch a documentary on the Saturdays instead

Harry let out a small snort when he read the text. He could hear Louis’ teasing tone as he read it, though he knew it was completely true.

yeah… or do other things’ he typed in response, leaving the message vague but hoping he was slowly piquing Louis’ interest.

oh? what things

what we did last night’ Harry replied instantly, teeth digging into his lower lip as he prevented a grin from coming onto his face. His gaze shifted to look at Louis, watching as his best friend received the message. Louis’ eyes widened immediately upon reading before glancing over at Harry with the slightest smirk.

Their friendship was one that was often questioned by others, but Harry didn’t give one care what other people thought or speculated about the two of them. Seeing as he and Louis were best friends, or had what many deemed a ‘bromance’, their relationship was strong and progressed with ease into one that was becoming romantic and loving. They hadn’t put labels on what they were, though Harry supposed that ‘secret boyfriends’ was fairly accurate. None of the other lads knew how physical their relationship had become, though Harry was fairly certain that Liam suspected something.

so u want me on my knees for u

do u blame me? ur rather good with that mouth

wish Liam wasn’t here. i’d have my mouth on u already

Harry lifted his gaze from the phone, giving Liam a slight glare as if it was his fault that Harry was not getting a blowjob. Not that the other boy knew he was being glared at, for his attention was completely focused on the television show. Before Harry could even type out a reply to Louis, a message popped open again and he quickly opened it.

i love tasting u and seeing u squirm when i slowly drag my tongue over ur dick

Harry’s jaw dropped considerably, not having really expected that sort of message. Sure, he had ever intention of letting Louis know how he’d much prefer doing other things than watching the telly, but he hadn’t expected such an exchange over their cell phones. An exchange that had caused himself to harden considerably as he read Louis’ words.

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