"I'm glad your getting better babe. Hopefully the cancer will go away. I'm so sorry this is to happening to you." He sighs sadly.

"Well if it wasn't for my crappy lungs and terrible DNA, we wouldn't have this problem." I say and I look up at him with a smile.

"Well your DNA did give you a beautiful face." He smiles and I laugh again while smiling.

"It's nice to see you smile and hear your laugh again. I missed them." He says booping my nose.

"I missed them too. Just like I miss the old us." I say quietly as I look down.

"No. This is the new us. We have and always will be a strong couple. We just have to stay together, forever." He says and lifts my chin up so my eyes meet his. With his other hand he takes my beanie off.

"Vic!" I half yell as he shushes me while kissing the top of my head. "Your beautiful." He puts my beanie back on and kiss his lips with my chapped ones.

The lips I haven't kissed in ages the one thing I missed the most, his kisses. They were always so soft and gentle, but full of passion and love.

"I love you Vic." I smile and close my eyes. But before I drift off into a deep sleep that was much needed, I hear him say our quote we used when we said our first 'I love you'.

"I love you too Kellin. Forever and always."

Vics POV
*one month later*

"Come on Kellin! We have to go to the doctors." I yell and I hear him coming out the door.

"I'm here." He says and I kiss him before I lock the door. We get into the car and I turn on the radio. I look over at Kellin who is smiling and happy is written all over his face as he sings along to the song playing.

"Look who's all happy this morning." I smile as I put the car into drive.

"I'm just anxious to see if the cancer is gone. Because I feel like it is." He says with hope filled eyes.

"You look like it too." I agree. He was wearing his beanie and looked a lot less pale than before. I held his hand and started driving to the hospital.

Once we got there, we waited a while for the doctor to get to us. When he did we ran all the tests and I was there to hold Kellin's hand during mostly all of it except for the final test. He layed asleep in his hospital bed and I sat in the chairs right outside of his hospital room, since the doctors told me I couldn't stay.

I sat there anxious to hear what his results are. I want this cancer to be gone. I don't want my baby in pain anymore.

After a while his doctor walked out with a clipboard and started walking towards my direction. I stood up with a big smile, but that smile dropped as soon as I saw the doctor shake his head at his papers.

"Uh, Doc." I say anxiously and he looks up.

"Ah, Vic. Good your here." He says and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Is Kellin's cancer gone?" I ask worry laced on my every word.

"Son. Sit down." He says and we both sit.

"Kellin's cancer has increased from Stage 1 to Stage 4. It's spreading all over his body and he-" He starts talking but I cut him off.

"But you said he was getting better and that the cancer should be gone. Why did you lie to us? Was it just to give him hope? Because that's one shitty excuse Doc." I say growing angry as I begin to walk back and forth running my hands wildly through my hair.

Hold On Till May // Kellic (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now