This Bitch

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Many of you obviously know I love Teen Wolf and I know mostly everything. So my favorite villain well female one is Jennifer so fuck Kate and hello this bitch.

Stiles' pov
"Jennifer Blake" Derek said looking scared shitless at the glare I sent him. Scott growled and his eyes flashed red. "Jennifer fucking Blake!!" I screamed, my eyes turned black and an electric ball appeared in my hand. "Stiles! Calm down...please" Derek asked. "CALM DOWN!!YEAH LETS ALL FUCKING CALM DOWN WHEN TWO OF MY PACK PUPPIES ARE MISSING NO, NO KIDNAPPED AND THE BITCH WHO TOOK THEM IS THE SAME BITCH WHO TRIED TO SPLIT US UP!!" I screamed. "Stiles'. She's just another slut in the world. I would've killed her but I would've gone to jail for murder and that isn't exactly a good thing!" Derek said. I chuckled at him and he swiftly wrapped me up in a hug when there was a pink flash around us and suddenly we where back to the Nemeton in the woods.

"Well well well" Jennifer cooed. I looked up and saw Jay and Claude chained up. But before I could respond I heard the thumps of paws on the forest ground.

FAMILY(Teen Wolf Future Fic)*HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now