"Shut up," Clove says with tears in her eyes. She pulls me into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you so f**king much."

"I'm gonna miss you too," I say. I feel tears come to my eyes. Great, now I'm gonna start crying. We both sit there hugging each other and crying. "Great, Clove. You made me cry."

"That's my job. To make you an emotional wreck," Clove says. "Should we go back inside?"

I shake my head. "I don't think I'll be able to sit in a hospital waiting room for that long. Let's just stay out here for a little while." Clove scoots over to me. I put my arm around her. Her phone goes off and she checks it. "Who is it?"

"Alex," she says. I sigh. She's knows I don't like them together. We're f**king Clato! "he heard Katniss is in labor. He's on his way."

"Why?" I whine. "Who knows how long Katniss will be in labor. I can't be with him that long."

"Thanks, Cato. I love the support here," Clove says. "Do you want me to tell him not to come?"

"No, it's fine," I say. "As long as I get to hang out with you without him around."

"Of course you will," she says. "What time do you leave tomorrow?"

"Ten in the morning," I say.

"I'm gonna miss you like hell," she says.

"I know. I'm probably gonna have to force myself not to cry on the plane and at the airport. I'm probably not gonna be able to stay here the whole time if Katniss doesn't have Willow or Michael in a few hours," I say. Everyone gave Katniss names we want her to pick for her baby. We each gave a boy and a girl name. I picked Willow and Michael, Clove picked Grace and Tyler, Annie picked Morgan and Jordan, Finnick picked Rebecca and David, Gale picked Quinn and Caleb. "I need to finish packing and wanna spend time with Cali too."

"I'm sure Katniss will have her baby while you still here," Clove says. I see Alex get out of his car. Clove gets up and goes over to him. He sees that she been crying and asks if she's ok. "Yeah. Let's go inside." We all walk inside and wait for Katniss to have her baby.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time flash to a few hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Katniss POV:

"Congratulations, Katniss, it's a beautiful girl!" my mom says holding my crying daughter. "We're gonna go get her cleaned up then you can hold her, ok?"

"Ok," I say exhausted. I was in labor for eight hours until I could finally start pushing. That took an hour and a half. I lay back on the hospital bed and Peeta sits down next to me.

"You did it!" Peeta says.

"I know. I'm really tired," I say.

"But it's all worth it, right?" Peeta asks. I nod. "So we need to pick a name. Do you like any our friends gave us?"

"I really like the name Willow," I say.

"I think it's perfect," Peeta says smiling.

"So Willow it is," I say. The door opens and it's my mom with Willow.

"Here's your baby, honey," my mom says handing her to me.

"Hi, baby girl," I say quietly. I look up to Peeta. "This doesn't feel real, Peeta."

"I know," Peeta says. I look back at my beautiful daughter with my dark hair and Peeta's blue eyes. My mom leaves the room. "Hi, Willow. We're your parents. We gonna protect you from everything. You know, stuff like boys and mean girls and--" Peeta says before I interrupt him.

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