Part 4

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Above Kai, the intricately carved Lunar throne stood.

It was a combination of the black of regolith stone and the white of marble, the two colors contrasting beautifully in an elegant display.

There were other, lower thrones beside the main seat, but Kai didn't care about those. His eyes bore into the back of it, like he hoped to burn a hole straight through.

It was empty.

Tragically, painstakingly, empty.

"Where is she?" Kai said, fully aware of the desperation in his voice, but doing nothing to tame it.

"She just left, Emperor." Princess Winter stood a couple feet behind him, her hands clasped in front of her like she was begging for his forgiveness. Her eyes were wide with sympathy.

Some part of Kai's mind registered how stunning the princess really was. Her hair in perfect black coils that framed her face prettily. Her eyes were golden brown, and if one got close enough, flecks of grey could be seen around the pupil.

Her beauty had a profound effect on people, but Kai was to busy thinking about Cinder to care.

"I tried to notify you," Winter said as Kai began to pace back and forth. "I sent a comm--"

As if hearing Winter, Kai's portscreen pinged. He pulled it out, read, and cursed.

"If only it had come ten minuets earlier, ten minuets." He started pacing again, pushing his hands through his hair.

"You should stay here, Your Highness. She'll most likely come straight back when she realizes the mishap."

Kai started to nod, then stopped. "But ... what if she expects me to rush back to her? Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? Isn't that what girls want?"

Winter looked amused. "I hardly think Her Majesty is like any girl you've ever met, Your Highness."

Kai huffed. "Then what should I do?"

The princess just shrugged. "Send her a comm?"

"No, no." Kai shook his head. "That wouldn't be right. Could you comm her? Ask her if she's coming, and when she arrives, or if I am to go to her, I will apologize in person."

Winter nodded. "That appears to be a sound plan, Your Highness. I will send that comm." She turned to leave, practically skipping toward the huge doors that excited the throne room, when Kai stopped her.

"Thank you, princess," he said. "And, er, this might be a little ... inappropriate, but ... you can call me Kai if you'd like."

Winter smiled. "Of course, Kai."

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