Chapter Seven

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Monday 7:00 TODAY's Office


I arrived at the office early as I planned it. I don't want her to see me. I also donned coat and tie today. I wanted to give her the impression that I changed a lot. I wore my hair nicely and not the usual messed-up hair.  When you get thru the glass door at the entrance, all you need to do is right turn and you will find my office at the end of the hallway. I don't think it's necessary but they insisted to put a signage with my name on it, pinned on the door.  I unlocked my office and went inside. I'm in a medium size office. It's decorated with abstract paintings, a metal drawer, personal printer and a flat screen computer on top of the table. There's also a three-seated couch on the right corner. As usual my coffee is already heated up. Trixie is always early and takes care of some things for me. It's a plus for her, considering she is at the same age with me and she is already responsible and committed to her position.  I lay my laptop bag on the table and I noticed the folder I received last Friday. It's still in lying there, silently reminding me of what had happened after I saw what's inside it.


I heard a knocked on the door while I'm checking my email. I wore denim pants and a white shirt plus sneakers. I am not into coat-and-tie person. I went to the blind-covered walls and took a peek of who it is. If it's someone that can kick me out from the office then I’ll opt to wear my coat and tie that is still hanged in my office locker. It's Trixie. I unlocked the door and invited her in but she rather stayed outside and hand me a folder with papers. 

"Your father gave me this and said to give it to you." Trixie informed me. "He said that this is a transfer employee and she will do best in this company." She continued.

"A girl, huh?" I wonder.

"A woman." Trexie corrected me with a smile.

"Okay. A woman, it is." I agreed cooly.  I gave her a smile and she bid goodbye. I went back to my table and sat carelessly on my swivel chair. "Let see" I said and opened the folder.

I thought I will pass-out.  Samantha Rose Garcia. It says on top of the resume. For some reason I found myself choking. The name is screaming over and over inside my head. My heart beats faster than I could cope up. I was gasping for air and my feet went jelly. My hands were shaking and I could not contain the horror that I felt. I took a deep breath in and breathe out. I can't let this girl trembles me. I'm sweating like crazy. The air-conditioning might be broken or is it because of the intense feelings that I'm feeling?

"Is this some kind of a joke?" I asked my horror and disbelief. I browse the records roughly that the edge of each page got crumpled. My anger shows in my actions. I stop before I find myself tearing these papers. I laid it back and gingerly close it.  My mouth was dry and my hands were clenched. I pace back and forth inside the office to be relaxed. Trexie found me mumbling something while pacing in the office. I didn't even hear her knock or get in. 

"Is there anything wrong Mr. Henderson?" She called my attention. I looked at her and I can see that she's baffled with my behavior.

"No. No, I-I am fine." I said, convincing, not her, but myself. I pretended to be calmed. I slid my shaking hands to the side pockets of my denim pants. I went back to my swivel chair and cleared my throat before asking. "Ahm, Trexie, What's my schedule tomorrow?”

Trixie opened her clipboard and read-through it.

"You only have few appointments tomorrow." She said while still reading her notes. She recited;

"As early as 8 tomorrow, you have job offer to our transfer employee.

At 11 you will have lunch with your father.

At 3 we will have a meeting to instroduce our new employee to everyone."

"That's all." She concluded.

"Okay. Thank you." I told her. 

She then took a leave and I found myself thinking; Imagining different scenarios of what's gonna happen when she sees me.  "Argh! You're doing this again? Making my headache. You're so gone 5 years ago."  I said clasping my head with both hands.   

The rings from the phone woke my wandering mind. Reality sunk in. I'm back on staring at the building thru the glassed-wall. I went to the phone and picked it up. It's Trixie on the other line.

"Mr. Henderson?" She asked.

"Yes?" I said. "Ms. Garcia is already here. I will send her to your office in 10 minutes. Okay?" She said, reminding me of my schedule. Yeah right, she's my first appointment today.

"Okay." I absentmindedly answered before I could take it back, Trexie already hang up.

I dialed Trixies extension but nobody is answering. I supposed she's already talking with her. I almost panic but Trixie answered after 3 tries. Thank God!

"Hello Trixie. I forgot I have something to do right now. Can you do the job-offer for me?" I said hastily. 

"Okay. Sure." She said. "Anything else?"

"Nothing else. Thanks" I hanged up. What a relief! I put down the receiver and went to watch the view again.  My chest tightened and my stomach has butterflies. I took a deep breath and release it.

With all honesty, I feel my heart broken again. I feel hatred and anger towards her. The ghost of my past has returned; maybe to hunt me. Should I be sorry? Will she ever learn? The big question is "Am I ready?" I realized I had my right hand on my chest. Even my body is used to this kind of pain and it acts on its' own. I've been here and I did the same thing before. Will I ever learn? I let out a depressed sigh and decided to tire myself with paper-works through-out the day. I hope this will work for now. I have a plan. I diabolic one but I don't care anymore.      

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