Chapter Four

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 St. Jude Hospital

5:00 A.M

Ouch! My head is aching so much. Thank God! I'm lying. My body is aching so much. I can barely open my eyes. I slowly reach it and felt my right eye is swelling. That rowdy girl head-banged me last night. I slowly opened my eyes and everything I see is blurry. I blinked couple of times to see clearly. White ceiling? White sheets? I might be in the hospital. My eye aches again. I raised my arms and found scratches on it. Argh! That blondie scratched me pretty bad. I sat up and search the room. I found Lexie lying in the couch. 

"Lex?" I called her.

She turned to look at me. "You awake already?" she asked and released a deep sigh. I can see that she has band-aid on her left eyebrow. She got scratches on her arms too and some on her legs. 

"My head is aching like hell. Alka-Seltzer is taking some time to take effect." I heard her say while massaging her head. "The Doctor said we're okay to go home as soon as you wake up. Someone has already paid the bill as soon as we arrived here." She continued.

That "someone" caught my attention."Did the doctor say who?" I am curious.

"No, I didn't ask. It's good enough for me that we're already paid. I don't have enough money to pay for it." She said and stood up. 

"Are you okay to go home now?" Lexie asked while getting her purse from the small table in the corner of the room. 

"Yeah. You can crash at my apartment if you want to." I offered. I don't want her to take 2 buses to get home with her state at the moment. I stand up slowly. 

"I'd like that. I don't have the strength to travel right now. All I want is to take a lot of sleep for the whole day." She said and put her arms around my shoulder. I smiled at her.

"All I got is a swelling black eye from last night. My unlimited tequila was wasted because of what had happened." I said while laughing the pain off. 

"Hahaha. It's okay! Actually, we drank it for free!" She said.

"Really?" I asked for a high five. "What happened at bar? How did you get into a fight?" I asked her while filling out our release paper from the hospital. 

"We’ll talk about that at home. I'm starving." She said and holds her stomach. "My pets inside are already having a riot." 

"Hahaha. You're crazy!" I said and dragged her out of the Hospital. 

She informed me that our friend from Greens Place called her and said that they have my car towed.  I have no choice but to pick it up on Sunday. I am sure I’ll be home-bound for the whole day. We took a taxi to get to my apartment. For the longest time that I haven't invited anyone in my apartment, Lexie crashed so suddenly. It's not that I am complaining but having someone with me in the apartment is so nostalgic. I hate to take a tour of the memory lane ever. I shrugged it off and did a deep sigh. 

"Is there anything wrong?" Lexie asked. 

"Nothing." I said and smile. 

After that none of us talk. She took a nap in the taxi and I contented myself on looking out the window. The taxi made a stop in front of my apartment. I paid the fare since Lexie doesn't have enough money. After that we alighted from the taxi. We didn't talk about it but we stood for a moment in front of the small metal gate of my apartment.  

Lexie was examining the place."It didn't change a bit. Except for your flowers. They're all dead. Poor roses and daises." I heard Lexie said. I looked at the pots of roses and daises. True to what Lexie said, they're dead. Once, they looked pretty and so alive. Darn! Erase and forward! I told my mind.

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