Chapter Six

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I woke up with a heavy heart. Reminiscing the past yesterday with Lexie opened up the cut again. Though I have told Lexie nothing about me and AJ, I still remembe how I felt about him. I felt my every limb weaken and I find it hard to hassle. Today is my first day at the new office. As much as possible I don't want to make a bad impression but my body seemed to have a plan of betraying me. 

No! I'm the captain of this ship so I’ll take no defeat by this tardiness. I dragged my feet to the bathroom. A warm bath would awake this snail-like movement. I turned the knob of the shower and let the warm water drop to my head and every parts of my body. I stand there unwilling to move. Even the coldness of the tiled floor didn't disturb me. Chain of thoughts and mem'ries from the past panoramically rushing into view. 

I literally shook my head to wipe those memories. Think of happy thoughts! I told myself but it didn't work. So I transitioned myself into singing only to realize that it was a big mistake. The songs I sing were the songs from the past..with him. AJ! I screamed through gritted teeth. Why it has to come up now?! It's making my life miserable again. Suddenly a beeping sound startled me. I realized I have set my alarm clock to 7:00 A.M. Without any thoughts I hassled myself. I'm back to reality. This is my reality. Hurrying up everything. I like this, no gap in my mind that will allow the past to butt in. 

I quickly finish taking a bath, brushing my teeth and putting clothes on. I didn't bother to dry up my hair. I'll just open the window of my car to have the wind do the job for me. My car had been washed after I picked it up from the towing company. I took a quick glance of my face on the rear-view mirror. I don't look bad, not good either. I'll do my make up later on my desk. 

I drove my car as fast as I can to get to the office. I glanced at my watch 7:30. "Wow! I got ready with just 30 minutes. Now, I have to figure out how to get to the office in 30mins. Okay? Let's see." Talking to myself again. I turned the GPS on car. "To the office", I commanded. It gave me the road that I'm currently taking. "Shortcuts" I said loudly. It displays the possible shortcuts that I could take. I took the one that has fewer traffic lights.

10 minutes to 8:00. I half-run to the elevator. "C'mon" I said impatiently, pounding my heels on the floor. It makes a ding sound and I waited for the elevator to be emptied. Soon, I was inside the elevator. I almost forgot, I'll be on the 22nd floor now. I punch 22nd and it went up. I counted through every floor with the elevator. I start to pound my right foot again. Impatiently waiting and at last it dings to the 22nd floor.

I shoved the people nicely in front of me. "Excuse me." I said, half-way running to the hallway again. Badge in and half-ran to my desk then I logged in.  I let out a long sigh for relief, almost late. I can't be doing this every day. I promised myself, again, to be early as I can. 

I looked around and I caught a glimpse of who-is-she look from most of the people in the floor. "Okay" I thought. That's what new-comer will get on their first day. So don't panic. It's normal. I told myself silently. I looked at my back and guy in lean feature with round glasses, staring at me. I gave a tight smile and wave quickly. 

"Hi" he said in a slow-motion sort of way. As I saw it on his desk "John Wylly. Editor-in-chief." Oh! That’s what they do here, Newspaper or magazine stuff, if I'm right. Now I'm curious of what's gonna be my role here. I thought again.

I decided to arrange my things that were still in the box since Friday.  After 30minutes all my things were already arrange and i'm already logged in to my laptop.

Lexie, IM'ed me as soon as i logged in to our office messenger.

Lex: Hey!

I was about to type my reply when a woman with a short blond hair called me. 

The One that got awayМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя