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I've been on the run since I was 10 with my little brother Jay. I don't remember much but they said that is because of the memory block I asked how I get rid of it they said it'll come when I needed to remember of course they told me a lot of things what am I supposed to do what's real what's not. My names Alina I'm not your average teenage girl.

Im 17 now that's when the nightmare started no one knows my secret and that's how I'm going to keep it. I'm telling you this as one of my last resorts of remembering.....and my story of surviving it.

All I remember is that it all started on my 7th birthday. That's The last day I saw my parents alive it started out a normal day like any other next thing I know I come out of the woods covered in blood with my brother crying in my arms and me saying "no... please" then passing out hearing voices in my head .

All I know is that I have to protect you Jay no matter what.

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