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At the party, Troye was hopping around happily. Bouncing from friend to friend, sipping beers as he flew between people. Everyone around him was laughing and although I couldn't leave because I had to take care of Troye, there was nothing more I wanted than to leave. So I sat alone on the couch, I had unintentionally kicked everyone off. As soon as I sat down they upped and left. So I sat there on my couch, sipping slowly at a beer. I looked around at the people having fun and spotted Troye bouncing in and out of some group

'He'll be alright for a minute while I go to the toilet' I told myself as I got up. I pushed off the couch but as I did, a boy with a peroxide blonde quiff plopped down on the couch and pulled my hands towards him. I jolted back down to the couch and looked at the boys eyes slightly confused. He jutted he hand at me "Tyler Oakley" he introduced himself

"Umm, Connor Franta" I say as I awkwardly shake his clammy hand.

"Connor, what are you doing here all alone?" he asks me laughing

"I am waiting for a friend" I answer honeslty, knowing he wont remember any of this tomorrow or even in an hour.

"Well that's no fun!" he exclaims grabbing my hand again and pulling me up. "Lets go do shots!" he yells dragging me to the makeshift bar.

"No, that's okay I really don..." I complain, put he puts his hand on my mouth and continues to drag me. I see Troye and he looks suspiciously at Tyler and looks at me again. He shrugs and continues talking to his friends. Tyler pokes a shot glass at me and moves his hand in a drinking action. I smile weakly and bring the glass to my mouth. I tip my head back and it slides down my throat in one gulp. The liquid burns my throat and I wince slightly in pain. I then look back in shock, "Ty. Hand me another" I smile at him. He gladly obliges, sliding another glass across the table. Before putting it to my mouth I think to myself and say 'YOU HAVE TO DRIVE BACK HOME!' I shake the thought out of my head and tip the shot down my throat. I slam down the glass and motion for Tyler to get me another drink.

"Con, jeez I REALLY didn't pick you as a party animal" He says as he hands me another drink laughing.

"Neither did I" I say as I knock another one back.


Tyler's POV

I liked Connor, he was out of his mind drunk, but he was keeping his own. I was sitting on a love seat with him and talking. He was babbling on about his job and school life and stuff. I think he thought I was really drunk aswell, lots of people assume that but its just my overwhelming character.
"So, Connie. I know a lot about you but I don't know how old you are" I say acknowledging that he could be too young for me.

"Ohhh! Im like um, 22! NO! Im kidding im 23!" he laughs looking at me really surprised.

"How old are you TyTy?" he giggles.

"You've taken to calling me that, haven't you?" I ask regarding the nickname.

"Yes. But you call me Connie!" he exclaims. "TyTY!! How old are you!" he says growing impatient and shaking my arm.

"Okay! Im 26!" I exclaim laughing. His face grew pale, and he stares at me. And then ran off the seat, he pushed through the door and ran out int the garden. He went over to some bushes and bent down. I could tell before I even heard him wretching that he was going to hurl. I wasn't a spring chicken, I knew how it went. When he was done, I went over to him and patted his back. I put my arm around his shoulder and walked him over to the steps.

"Stay where you are" I warn him as I walk away to get some water and a wet towel.

"What?!" he exclaims looking at me as I walk through the front door.

"Stay put, dumbass!" I laugh as I go to the kitchen. I grab a glass of water and a towel from under the sink. I ran the towel under the tap and returned back to Connor who was... not on the steps.

"Connor?" I ask scared, he was too drunk and if he had gone out onto the road I'm sure he'd be run over in his drunken stupor.

"BOO!" he leaps from the hedges.

"moTHERFUCKER!" I exclaim as I laugh. "Here, drink you little shit" I say as I hand him a drink.

"Thanks!" he says plopping down on the steps, he looks at me and pats the steps. Motioning for me to sit down. I do as I'm told and sit down. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back, before I can stop myself. I close my eyes and bring my mouth to his.


HAHAHAHAHA FUCK! look its the rare mythical creature CONLER! like sorry its not Troyler and shit. But Troye has to be the social butterfly nd party boy so it has to be this way. ALSO FUNNY STORY- when i first joined the so to speak 'youtube family' i thought TROYLER WAS REAL and tyler posted a pic of them together and i was OMG U R SO CUTE TOGETHR!!!

also like, if you haven't heard the song 'wing$' by mackelmore listen to it, its fucking amazing. Its a bit old but loved since i first heard it. s2g ,\


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