"Hey Luna!" Jill and Gwen greet happily. I roll my eyes before turning in Maddox's arms so that his hands are at my hip instead of my back. I would probably never get used to being called Luna.

"We were wondering if you two were ready to go." Gwen says, I look at Maddox, who gives me a look that says I have his permission, and nod.

"Yeah, we're good." I say with a shrug and Maddox further snakes his right arm around my waist while removing his left arm.

"Oh yeah, these guys are Dennis, Carter, and Roger. Dennis is my brother." Jill says and a brown haired teen walks up to me with a smile. "Dennis is mute, if you were wondering." Jill explains casually, I arch a brow and look at Maddox. He gives me a look that tells me I should ask my questions later and I sigh as I muster up a smile.

"You good, Winter?" I ask and she grins widely at me.

Winter had pixie-cut hair that was dyed completely white. Her eyes were brown and she had a kind smile- and killer moves. I remember training her hand-to-hand and this girl could handle herself. She was pretty good for a 17-year-old.

"Yup, it's pretty weird still. But I'm good." She says with a smile, the mark on her neck was on proud display with the white crop top she wore.

Ugh. I was jealous. Damn it. I wanted to wear crop tops too. Stupid Maddox and his marking tendencies. Winter blushes and I realize it's because I've been staring at her mark and she fidgets.

"Is it weird that we went straight on?" She asks and I shrug.

"It's really up to you and as long as you're happy, then so am I." I say with a smile, Winter grins.

"Thanks, Luna." She says and I sigh.

"You can just call me Elair. You're the Beta's mate, after all." I say and Winter nods her head, then looks to Maddox for permission and he nods in response as well.

"Well, shall we go?" Winter asks and I smile.



1 hour and 20 minutes later, I find myself in Portland, at Bridgeport Village. Does it ever occur to anyone that we could just go shopping at the local depot? I watch the teens run around with Winter- since she's technically still a teen- while Maddox and I walk together.

"Want anything?" I ask him and he shakes his head silently. "Okay then." I mutter. I spot a coffee stand and immediately walk over to it, Maddox follows me as I order two cups of coffee. He pays for it wordlessly and I hand him the other cup.

We sit on a nearby bench before I smell something out of the ordinary.

"What's wrong?" Maddox asks and I sigh.

"Wait a second." I tell him before I stand up and sniff the air.

Yep. Weird is definitely right.

"The hell..." I mutter, I close my eyes and listen closely.

I single out a voice I recognize and growl.

"Elair." Maddox calls but I feel my anger boil through my veins. I put the cup down and look around.

A mop of familiar blonde hair catches my eyes and I stalk over to it. Sure enough, there, stands my brother, Vaughn. I see his eyes widen in surprise and his mouth open to begin some sort of explanation. He's with two other members of the pack and I pull my fist back and, as quickly as I can, punch him straight in the face. The event takes place so fast that no one notices as he stumbles backward, caressing his face with his hands. My fist stings a bit from the impact but it's nothing too unbearable. Not when I was angry.

Break Me, Mate [Extended Sample]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang