"not knowing he has feelings for you" (chapter three)

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                 (Your POV)

“(Y/n) what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?..”he ask walking toward me and look me in the eyes worried if something might happened to me..

“I just wanted to see the moon clearly, so I head out here in the garden..and what about you sinbad?..”I ask looking at him..

“Just walking around to cool off and I kinda saw you here standing..so I come here..”he said scratching his long purple hair on the back of his head..

“Oh,I see.”.

“Um,(y/n)..I'm sorry about what happened earlier I don't know what's on my head,I'm really sorry (y/n)..”he apologize and look at me wanted an answer..

“Its okay,just don't do it again..”I said in a smile.

“Thank you very much (y/n)!!..”he hug me tightly in his arms and I already felt my checks began to burn in embracement..

“Ne, sinbad I have something to say to you..”

He let go of me and face me to what I'm about to say..I look at him in the eye, it's really beautiful,but those beautiful eyes are not ment to be mine because those eyes are only ment to be with the one he truly loves..

“No,never mind,let's just go to our respective rooms and rest for tomorrows work..”I said walking away while I hold back my tears from the pain through my chest...

“Oi,(y/n) wait for me!..”he said running to catch up to you..

*Time skips while walking, you and sinbad are talking along the way to your own room*

“Good night (y/n)..”he said looking at me..

“Good night sin-sama..”he blush at the word that I just said to him..he nod and I close the door slowly..

(Sinbad's POV)

(Y/n)..the girl that is different from the other girls out there and the only girl that I loved since you came to my life,I wish I could express my feelings about how much I love you..and if someone take you away from me,my life will be nothing but sadness and loneliness on me...and I'll make sure that won't happened ever..and once I'm yours I'll make sure you will be the happiest girl in my entire life,I promise...I said while returning to my own room..

...to be continued...

Sinbad X Reader "His Peronal Maid"(Complete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin