Chapter 1

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"Mabel, come on! We're going to be late!" I yelled up the stairs eagerly.

"Yeah, yeah. Hold your horses, bro bro," Mabel called back. I laughed and shoved my hands into my pockets, leaning against the wall. Grunkle Stan walked out of his office, looking around and scratching his head. The past five years have done quite a number on him; he's definitely not as abled bodied as he used to be. He uses a cane almost always, and on the top of his head, he was beginning to bald. He locked eye contact with me.

"Where are you two kids off to tonight?" He grunted, hobbling over to his chair in front of the TV and turning on the news station.

"There's a party going on at one of the community colleges the next town over," I made up off the top of my head. After sneaking around behind everyone's backs for the past five years, lying has become a second nature to myself and Mabel.

"You two rascals have a good time. Don't get caught!" Grunkle Stan laughed as he reclined the chair, ending the conversation. I turned my attention back towards the stairs and looked up, seeing Mabel standing at the top. She was clad in a sparkly red, long sleeved plunge shirt and a black skater skirt, with her classic white Chuck Taylor's on the bottom, of course. My face instantly brightened when I saw her. She blushed as she headed down the stairs.

"You look stunning," I mouthed. She bit her lip as she approached me at the bottom of the stairs, signaling me for her to follow her. She quickly skipped outside and I followed her, shutting the door to the shack behind me. The minute I turned around, her lips met mine, very briefly.

"You look very stunning yourself, Mr. Pines," Mabel winked as she strutted away and headed towards the car. I looked down at myself, simply dressed in a black and red flannel and jeans. I shook my head as I hopped into the drivers side and started the car, pulling out of the lot of Mystery Shack.

"Mabel, I'm dressed like I am every day," I laughed. She placed her hand on top of mine and our hands naturally intertwined.

"Well, I guess you look handsome every day then," she responded, sticking her tongue out at me. I looked over at her as we pulled up to the stoplight on the main stretch in town.

"You know I'd kissed you right now if I could," I said, looking at her. She shrugged and smiled understandingly. We drove in silence for about ten more minutes before she snuggled up close and rested her head on my shoulder. We were officially out of Gravity Falls and for the most part, out of sight. After all, most people who are in Gravity Falls tend to never leave. Mabel and I on the other hand, always leave. Almost every weekend, in fact. We head about a half an hour north to a little town called Jupiter Springs. It's got a little family restaurant called Harmony's that we go to a lot. It's quite and vacant. And most important, we have never ran into anyone from Gravity Falls there.

A short while later, we pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and I quickly got out to get Mabel's door for her. I took her hand delicately as she stepped out.

"You're being such a gentleman tonight; what's the occasion?" Mabel asked, looping her arm around mine.

Don't Let Go | Sequel to "Been Here All Along"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن