“So you guys know the plan right?” I asked them, hoping my mom explained the real plan to them. The one that I had Andrew relay back to me, was sort of true, I had a couple tricks up my sleeve.

“Of course, we have this.” The one on the left gave me a reassuring smile.

I nodded and saw Immy pulling up, “come on boys, this is our ride.” I said, motioning to Immy’s car. They both nodded and followed me towards the car, Immy looked at them in shock, her jaw dropped when she took them all in.

That is the initial reaction I was looking for.

“Who are they?” Immy asked when we all got into the car.

“Oh Immy, these are my mom’s friends, Axel,” I said, pointing to the one on the left, with black hair, green eyes, and tan skin. “And this is Sam.” I pointed to the one on the left with blue eyes, blonde hair, and olive tone skin. They were both really beautiful guys.

Immy nodded in amazement and started to pull out of the parking lot.

“So what are they here for?” Immy asked, staring at the road, wanting to pay attention this time.

“Well that plan I made Andrew play back at me was a decoy.” I giggled evilly, “I didn’t want him to know how devious I really was. These boys right here are to inflict the pain that Ronny caused upon me.” I laughed, Axel and Sam joined in on the laughter.

“How does your mom know them?” Immy asked, collecting all the facts so she could put everything together, and make sense of my evil plan.

I let the boys answer that one, I looked at them.

“Oh, well we have known his mom for a while, she was the one that brought Axel and I together, we have been in love since.” Sam said, turning to Axel and smiling at him.

“Awe, you guys are gay?” Immy asked, putting a hand on her heart.

“Yes, we are.” Axel laughed.

“If you don’t mind me saying, you guys are really big guys.” Immy laughed. They were really big, not like fat big, but muscled big.

“We are personal trainers.” Sam laughed.

“I see.” Immy said, taking a left onto Ronny’s street. I looked down the road and didn’t spot his car. Yes! I was right, he is at the gym. I know him so well, I know his whole schedule.

“Okay Immy, drop us off right here and go around the block and park.” I told her, she stopped the car in front of his house and we got out. The boys followed me to the door, I watched Immy leave, she is our get away car.

I feel like such a rebel! This is how you live. I laughed to myself.

I got to the door and checked if it was locked, it was. I knew it was going to be, but sometimes he forgets. I pulled my necklace up, the one that held two keys, the one to Ronny’s apartment and the one to Andrew’s. I knew I would need Ronny’s again, just in case, so I kept it. And look I was right!

I slid it into the lock and opened the door.

“You guys know what to do.” I told them, they shook their heads and walked into our room, getting in position.

Ronny should be home, any minute. He would walk in and notice that the door was unlocked. I moved things around in the living room and kitchen, so that he knew I was here. I pulled my bag off my back and got the supplies ready.

I started to toss the rose pedals on the floor, that led from the front door to our room. Hell yeah I am going all out! When I tossed down the last of the rose pedals, I pulled out the ‘other stuff’ and handed them to the boys, they were really hard to find by the way, they are great at hiding, I wonder if they did something like this before. Eh, I shrugged, I heard the front door open. I felt my heart and I wasn’t scared like last time. I sat down on the bed and heard him walking down the hall.

How far? [BoyxBoy] [Book I]Where stories live. Discover now