Chapter 16

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Happy December! (Aka the month of Christmas) Enjoy a new chapter to start your month off right. :)

Chapter 16.

"Kat!" I heard Fischer's familiar voice break through the noisy, crowded hallway at school that morning. I hadn't really seen him since we became official, since he'd disappeared yesterday before I could ask for a ride.

He approached my locker and gave me a soft hug as greeting. "Hey." He smiled sideways at me.

"Hey." I replied.

"You look cute." He said, and I glanced down at my gray leggings and swim crew neck, and snorted a laugh.

"Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes.

"You always do. Anyways, there's something I've been meaning to ask you." He said seriously, and I lifted an eyebrow.

"What's that?"

"Well, I've noticed that you haven't been at the lunch table for awhile now. You've been sitting with Mya and Lizzie and that group, are you trying to avoid being seen with me or something?" His brown eyes softened as I looked up into them, and he nervously pushed back his messy brunette locks.

"No, of course not!" I assured him. "To be honest, it has nothing to do with you."

"Is something going on with Sabrina and Alicia?" He asked, concerned.

"Well... Yeah." I sighed. "Remember that party we went to?"

"Yeah, of course." He said.

"Well, I accidentally forgot about my plans with them and went to that. And they made a big deal of it and I know I hadn't been that great of a friend lately, but they didn't even give me a second chance."

"I'm so sorry, Kat." He apologized.

"It's not your fault, it just sucks, I guess." I shrugged.

"Yeah, it does. But if you want me to, I can stop sitting with them." He suggested.

"No, it's alright. Just sit wherever you want. I mean, you could sit with me, but I'm not sure you'd enjoy sitting with 6 girls." I laughed.

"I mean, I guess it might not be so bad." He teased me mischievously.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, but I was smiling. "Now I've got to get to first hour! Stop distracting me." I punched his arm playfully and he jokingly clutched it in pain.

"Ow! I have an abusive girlfriend."

I shook my head, laughing to myself as I went into my first hour class and took my seat across from Sabrina.

"Okay, class!" My teacher clapped his hands and smiled evilly at the class. "I've got a little surprise." Everyone groaned. Teachers' surprises were never good. "Today we are going to be starting a project!"

The class began buzzing with chatter and talk of partners, wondering if he would choose or we would get to.

"Now, since we have an odd number of students, we can have a group of three and the rest will be sets of partners. Now, I'm sure you're itching to know who that partner will be." I prayed that he would choose them for us, I knew that was crazy and unusual for a student, but I had no clue who I would have for a partner considering I wasn't on speaking terms with my two best friends.

"And, I've decided to let you choose!" He announced happily and the class cheered. I withheld a groan. Normally, Sabrina, Alicia, and I would've immediately claimed that group of three but somehow I knew they did not plan on including me in their group. "Alright class, have at it! The instruction sheet is on my desk, and the chemistry lab is open to your free will."

Immediately, friends grabbed each other's arms or rushed over to each other. I stood up, looking around like a lost puppy for someone to be with. Quickly, people were clearing the room with their partners to go to the lab. And that's when I saw the only other person standing alone.


He saw me too, and his face brightened with a smirk. "Looks like we're partners!" He said.

"Yeah, looks like we are." I responded, trying to suppress the sad feeling of the reality that Sabrina and Alicia had really ditched me. Spencer wasn't so bad, I mean I used to like him.

"So, are we gonna go to the lab or what?" He asked, and I grabbed the instructions and followed him out the door into the next room: The Chem lab.

We found a good table with two stools at it and sat down. I pulled out the sheet and read it over, the project wouldn't be that bad. It was simply an experiment and sharing your data and conclusions on a poster board. However, you were able to choose some of your own elements in the experiment so everyone's would be different.

"Alright, let's get started." I said, heading to the supplies counter and grabbing most of the materials we would need. Then I returned and Spencer helped me set up.

"Well aren't you just right down to business." He chuckled at me.

"I want to get this over with." I shrugged.

"Why? You want less time with me?" He teased.

"Maybe." I teased back, placing the crucible over the Bunsen burner. "Now we need to choose the elements. They are reacting to make different colors with heat applied, and we have to determine what the mystery element they are reacting with is based on the color." I explained to him.

"How about Magnesium? It makes the brightest white reaction." He suggested.

"Sure." I agreed. "Then we can do Chlorine for the other?" He nodded.

"Great minds think alike." He winked.

He went and got the elements for me as I turned on the burner and set everything up perfect. Since so much set up time and partner time had been used up, the hour was almost over, so we'd only be able to fit in one trial.

He returned and I put on my goggles to watch the reaction. He did the same.

"You wear those well." He complimented me, and I couldn't help the blush that flooded my cheeks. I decided to not respond, because I knew I could stutter or be awkward. I watched the reaction happen, the Magnesium sample morphing into bright white spark quickly inside the crucible.

"Cool." Spencer said.

"Yeah." I agreed. "Now you record some observations and I'll clean up for the day."

"Okay, Boss." He teased, but obeyed. I rolled my eyes.

His flirting was driving me nuts, but maybe I secretly enjoyed it. NO! You have a boyfriend, Katherine! I thought to myself.

Well, I guess I was in for a long week of this project.

A/N: yup, more Spencer.
Comment your thoughts & vote! Lots of love!
XO, Holly

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