Ichigo's face twisted in confusion, and he couldn't react to the fist that collided with his face, knocking him to the ground. When he looked up at Kyo, his opposite was grinning before he stomped down on Ichigo's face.

Then everything went black.

Shiro woke at the sound of something falling, got out of bed, and went to check on Ichigo. When he opened the door, he began to panic when he didn't find the teen in his bed. Shiro raced to the bathroom to find a small pool of blood, but nothing else.

"Damn it." Shiro cursed as he ran around the warehouse looking for Ichigo.

Upon not finding him anywhere, Shiro tried thinking of where the teen would have gone.

"He might have...no...he wouldn't go back to the tunnels..." Shiro's eyes widened, "He must have gone home."

Shiro raced to get a shirt on, then out to his bike, only to find it gone, "Damn it. Ichigo what do you think you're doing."

Shiro knew it would take at least an hour to get to Ichigo's house on foot, so he would have to run. Ichigo wasn't ready to see his family yet, especially with those drugs still in his system.

"Shit." Shiro continued to curse as he ran, "This isn't good at all."

Ichigo walked up to the door, his body swaying slightly as he went. As he reached out to knock, his hand shook even more. Glaring, Ichigo clenched it before knocking strongly. He waited at the door for several seconds before it slowly opened.

"Shiro did you-" A man answered the door, only to stop when he saw Ichigo.

The man's eyes began to water before he pulled Ichigo into a tight hug, smiling like an idiot and thanking god now and then. 

"My son..Oh god my son has come home..." The man whispered before taking a step back to smile at Ichigo, "You look different," he paused before frowning, "what happened? Did someone do something to you? Ichigo?"

Ichigo didn't respond to any of the man's questions, he simply looked up into his eyes, and  halfheartedly smiled, "Doesn't matter. Home now."

The man didn't seem to believe what Ichigo had said, but soon shrugged and brought the boy inside. Ichigo looked around the house, his head turning this way and that to take it all in; sudden squealing made him turn quickly.

"Ichi-nii! You're home!" A small girl with strawberry blond hair rejoiced as she ran into the much taller teen. Ichigo looked down at her with no expression, before patting her head.

"Home." Ichigo whispered, and the girl smiled brightly.

"I'm glad you're back. You can pick what we will have for dinner tonight. Sound good?" The little girl walked to the kitchen, blabbering on and on about food.

Creaking from the stairs made Ichigo turn to find another small girl, with black hair, that looked just like the other girl in the kitchen. Except this girl had a frown that seemed to go right through Ichigo.

"Welcome back." Was all the girl said before joining her sister in the kitchen.

Ichigo looked around some more before the man from before placed his hand on the teen's shoulder, "You can talk to me son. You can tell me anything."

Ichigo nodded at the man, "I know, dad."

The man nodded before he began to goof around, and made the strawberry blond girl laugh while the other scowled at him. Ichigo felt a pang from somewhere deep in his chest as he held something pointed behind his back.

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